Ixamyakxim: Any idea which is up first?
I actually never quite solved Returns, though I think I probably ended up at the last "room." I should load that up and clear it out at some point I suppose.
I still have a bunch of crap that I started. I want to finish those off, then focus on the good stuff one game at a time.
I have one title that I'd call good in the current bunch (Shadow Warrior), one that I'd call enjoyable but repetitive (Kingdom Rush), and everything else is ranging from mediocre to goddawn awful.
If I remember correctly, you'll want to focus on dropping the last boss before trying to take out the enemies they keep spawning.
Unfortunately, the last level is the weakest part of the whole game to me. You have to leave a good potential party member behind, instead taking a generic NPC as backup just because they bring an extra special weapon to the party, and the NPC that's supposed to be legendary is massively disappointing and prone to failure.