ddickinson: I hope you have lots of fun at the party (don't get too drunk!), and I hope you find some lovely books at the book fair (I am a little jealous about that, I love book fairs). Sorry to hear about your wrist, do you think you will have all the work finished today so you can just relax and enjoy your weekend?
I am going to the Children's Hospice on Sunday. I have nothing else planned really. I am working Saturday, I have my romantic evening on Saturday night, and Sunday evening depends how we feel after being at the hospice. Usually it makes us a bit sad so we are not in the mood to do a lot of things, so probably just relax at home.
GOG recently made most pages use secure HTTPS, and it seems to have caused a few problems. Have you tried signing out and back in again? That fixed the login error for me. The biggest annoyance was that few people could post on the forum until a short while ago.
*big energising hug to help you with your work*
Don't worry, I hardly ever drink, and if I do, no more than one or two glasses. :) I'm sure the fair will be very enjoyable (I hope you get to go to one soon too!). Yep, I'll have to finish it today, because I'll have no time to do more work on it before the deadline. Still have about 600 words to go so that should be doable. (And then I'm done for this academic year except for my final Honours activity! Yay!)
In that case I hope you have some very relaxing evenings. Good luck at the hospital, I know you'll really be cheering those kids up by going. *hug*
Yep, about ten times thus far, with no real effect. :P Oh well, I'm sure it'll get fixed at some point. Right now it's just a minor annoyance, and as you said, at least posting is working again.
*big thank you hug*
pimpmonkey2382.313: How is everyone?
Hey! I'm doing well, how are you?