ElTerprise: Didn't know it was in a Humble Bundle - but since Humble mostly got yet another provider of Steamkeys i don't care that much about it...
Yes. You told about those games already. But Retro City Rampage is atleast created by one guy iirc...
Rented it through their standard store while it was on heavy discount.
Despite my bitchiness, I'm actually looking forward to playing it.
Maybe I'm just annoyed when an aesthetic gets to a point that it's intentionally ugly on both an audio and visual level for the sake of striking a chord of nostalgia.
I'm not the nostalgic type. Good games are good, whether old or new. But games aren't automatically good because they're old or new.
ne_zavarj: Watched Spawn and Se7en today .
Good night everyone .
I remember Spawn. The live action wasn't great by any means, but the animated series was enjoyable.
Seven, though...Kevin Spacey, Morgan Freeman and Nine Inch Nails on the soundtrack to boot? Good stuff.
Have a good night, sleep well. =)