j0ekerr: Morning guise and galz.
And now for something, completely different.
I just saw an oreo commercial and saw no mention whatsoever of taste or nutritional value.
Which got me thinking, and trying to remember about all oreo commercials I could remember, which are very few and quite recent. But a curious pattern emerged. They all seem to center on how much fun it is to eat an oreo, which is absolute bull of course. There's nothing interesting about eating an oreo, it's like trying to convince someone that watching paint dry is the most fun you can have, if you do it while standing on your head.
My theory is that no one really likes them that much, and they are only moderately less unhealthy than swallowing hemlock. Yes I said it, oreos are not really tasty, they rate pretty low in the deliciousness scale of cookies and biscuits, search your feelings you know this to be true. So the marketing drones focus on how
fun it is to eat them. Which is of course total bull.
Good morning.
Never liked them anyway. But let me get this straight: the commercial only refers to how much fun it is to eat them not how good they taste?