ddickinson: Good morning, Owl!
*big strong morning hug* Like you would wait all that time. We all know you are plotting to steal the stars, so you should have a hundreds of them in no time. :-)
I am doing great today. I have a pretty assistant with me today, so my day is going great, especially as I did not know she had the day off to come spend with me and help me at work. It sure made my day this morning when she woke me up and told me. She is being adorable and playing with the baby calves while I check some fencing and some of the other animals. We are having a picnic for lunch, which should be great.
No news, sadly. I think I will end up having to call them and chase up the results. I will give it a few more hours then I will call them. :-(
Glad to hear you are doing good. I hope you have a very lovely day!
*more big hugs* I still haven't any idea how to steal these stars... ):-| ... I count on Moon to design me a badass weapon, a stealing machine or something...
great, about your "pretty assistant" :-D at least you're in good company, your working day should pass more quickly... and hopefully she'll get your mind off things
(It's been a few days... I would call them too... wait and uncertainty can be so stressful...)
Have a nice day, DD !
**Bigger happier hugs** ElTerprise: Wouldn't Edith Piaf be more fitting? ;)
Argh... I had the song in mind now >__o !!!