ElTerprise: What...i don't remember that...but thaat's really odd...
tinyE: Well I'm still new into the game but I was farting around some outpost and the guy had some bone armor that looked cool so for fun I looked at the stats, and it was way stronger than all the stuff I was currently using. :P Like I said it's early on, so maybe the stuff I had was just totally worthless crap. :P
I hope you enjoy the game, it's the first rpg I ever played as an eight (nine?) year old :D
I believe the greenish armour they wear in Balmora (the guards), is bonemold. It's decent early-mid-game medium armor. Glass is about the best you can get as light armor if I recall right, and trollbone is heavy.
Most of these are quite pricey for purchase after a recent start though, but a good investment. Just don't go looking for glass to early, as that won't work (the cuirass comes at 12.000 gp if I'm not mistaken) ;)