LaPtiteBete: Hey, you sneaky hugger !!! ):-\
**Tackle back Agent and crush him back** Only "okay" ?.... :-(
I'm good... despite a bit of a classical "sunday evening syndrome"...
**Pour Agent a large glass of nice red wine** Sorry... I suspect you wouldn't have just
let me tackle you... Easier to beg forgiveness than to ask permission ;-p
Yeah... okay/good... You know I don't ever mean to be rude, but... I'd prefer not to talk about it here :"| No worries, nothing serious, and I'm not feeling bad. I'm okay :-)
Hmm... I'd better finish my
time machine so you can go back to morning again :-/
Not sure how to drink wine... I've never done it before :"|
**Puts a straw in the glass and sips like a moron... gets drunk after drinking about 4ml...**