ddickinson: That is good to hear. You really should be more careful. :-)
I am good, thank you. Do you have anything nice planned for the day?
I still don't really think that justifies almost double the price for the new game, just for an expansion. It sounds like a bit of scam to me, asking for almost double the price just because it includes an expansion. That would mean they price the expansion the same as the game to justify that price. I think they have to give it as a free upgrade, if they forced their fans to re-buy the whole game at such a price there would be a lot of bad reactions. If they kept it as a DLC, then it would have been okay, but since it is a new version they can't expect people to buy it again for that price.
Thank you - it happened when i was tired...
Glad to hear that. Well i have to clean my room a bit today - nothing i really look forward too, but it has to be done...
Going from 10€/$ to 15€/$ is not really almost double the price but it would've been nice to offer an upgrade option for 5€/$ nonetheless. Can i assume that the UK price has a higher price increase?
AgentBirdnest: It looks interesting at least :-)
Have you (
OR ANYONE :-O) tried Kingdoms? I've had my eye on it, but haven't been too sure.
Also, good mornoon :-) *big hug*
It does - which is why i got it yesterday (only because i still had some neat store credit here ^^) but i haven't played it yet.
Good morning *big return hug*
How are you doing?