Empress_Owl: Did you take any drug ?... õ__ô
Well, it's going ok ; i have almost zero motivation, both for work or to go to the swimming pool at noon.
And, not excited by weekends here, because they mean : get up early, more works, no outings...
How are you ?
Not an unusual one, no õ__ô I did eat some peanut butter 4 minutes after waking up though, which is quite early even for me, so maybe that is messing with my brain ;-p
Ha, sorry about the lack of motivation, and about the stressful weekend :-\ *extra-big motivating and energizing hug* I hope you'll be able to find at least a little time to relax over the weekend *crossing fingers for that too*
I'm doing okay. Could complain about little pointless things, but I am trying to be a positive person today :-p ... I'm excited for the promo though :-)