ElTerprise: That's good to hear. I hope that it's nothing serious what is bothering Sarge :)
Thank you :)
Thanks! I'm pretty sure it's nothing serious, but we'll find out for sure at the vet tomorrow afternoon. He's been agitated and uncomfortable, but not in any sign of danger. He's been much happier today, but that's partially because I've been wearing myself out keeping him distracted and occupied. It's been fun though... lots of time outside together, lots of dancing to new records (I swear, I don't get new records in the post every day... but recently I got a boxed set of a series called Late Night Tales, and as a result I've a ton of records I've yet to hear, and it's been quite fun) and just giving him attention in between bouts of play.
I also tried a bit more streaming to the Shield, which is great fun, but my network, while fast, always gives me issues (low bandwidth or high packet loss or just too high of a ping rate) so I never stream games long. Played the first stage of Freedom Planet, as I lost my saves from it during my latest PC switch. :)
AgentBirdnest: *makes out with the account button* I missed you so much!! :-)
NoNewTaleToTell: *comes home early*
Hey! What are you doing with my account button mister?!
You two are just gross. Get a room!
<--takes his own account button into another room to "Netflix and chill."