AgentBirdnest: Sounds aboot right. I agree totally - digital books ought to be cheaper than physical ones. And I think the same should go for movies and games as well. Why should games be $60 both on the shelf
and in a digital store? I dunno what the cost of printing discs and boxes is, but it should be subtracted from the digital copy's cost. In a perfect world, of course :-p
Yeah, the same problem applies to games. There are obvious parallelisms, but also obvious differences.
The similarities go in pricing. Both digital and retail versions cost the same, when digital copies have no printing and distribution costs. Which makes no sense.
The differences: When you buy a physical disc, you're still buying something that is nothing more than a repository for a bunch of digital and abstract data that you still need an appropriate separate device to visualize. A book is a book is a book.
Then you need to account for dedicated servers, patch updates and other stuff. With books you don't get a patch update for LOTR in which Gollum survives.
Smaller publishers have abandoned retail altogether and their prices do reflect that . Others however...
Etc, etc.
Bottom line, I feel like a 40~50 price tag for AAA games on Steam would be best.
AgentBirdnest: The simple fact that it costs nearly 4x as much here as on a tablet is already a bit of a turn off for me :-\ ... I don't understand why there is such a huge price difference. It's the same game on PC and mobile, isn't it? If they are going to sell it for only $4 on tablets, they ought to mark down the price of the PC version.
Oh, that is specially galling. Specially when the PC version is a usally a buggy port.
But they're going with custom and expectations. No one would pay more than 4$ for a mobile game. The PC crowd however is used to 60$ price tags.
So they try to see how much of their arm they can fit before customers start complaining.
akhliber: Hey there! I am indeed playing with DSFix, but it's the only mod I'm using, as far as I remember. And I'll warn you, I don't often engage in multiplayer games, and haven't yet attempted Dark Souls multiplayer, so I'm not sure how it even plays out, but it would be fun to give it a try, so long as you're the patient type that doesn't mind if the person you're playing with sucks at video games. ;)
My name on Steam is the same as here, feel free to add me anytime.
I hated multiplayer, I hated it with the fury of a thousand suns. Multiplayer is the devil, the scourge that will destroy civilization. Multiplayer gave us Halo teabagging, multiplayer gave birth to the grinding abomination that is WOW. Multiplayer
ruined Mass Effect 3.
Then I experienced Dark Souls coop multiplayer.
And now I don't hate it anymore.
(Every other multiplayer is bullshit, though)