Posted July 31, 2016

Aaand our moped died again :) I don't know if I'd rather cry or laugh... but I'm getting to be kinda emotionless about him - the name is Oliver.
Oliver! Please! You can't die!
Going to push it to my dad's place, again. When I feel like it.
But on the plus side, I've managed to progress in Dragon Age, save reads 37 hours, and my completion is up to... 15% :D
37 hours and you're still at 15%? Sounds like it's gonna be a 100 hour plus kinda game. Hopefully it stays interesting :D
I remember Gothic 3 being well over a hundred hours long and I'll fully admit that while I loved most of it, there were definitely times when I thought to myself "whyyyyy can't you be overrrr?!?!?!". Granted those thoughts mostly popped up when I had been spending hours upon hours looking for specific NPCs or cave or what have you, because it was easily the size of Skyrim but without Skyrim's magical all knowing quest compass.
Oh man, just had a flashback to a quest. You were supposed to find a blacksmith so he could teach you a specific technique. Normally he could be found in his village but as soon as you started the quest he would disappear, having gone on a journey. The person who gave you directions on where he went basically said "he went north" and that was it. No specific directions or ideas of where to look, just told to head north. North in this case involved a HUGE swath of area (think of a entire Hold in Skyrim, or at least half the map in a GTA 3 era GTA game), much of which was hard to traverse and navigate. Fun times. I did finally find him though.