ElTerprise: That's nice - we got a rather neat 24°C here today which was really good because i was cycling today - so yes i'm enjoying the nice weather indeed :)
You're welcome :)
Unfortunately so - i hoped we progressed beyond homophobia but we haven't...
Is your wether due to get cooler, or are you due more hot days? It seems like a nice temperature for cycling.
Oh it is still there, the same as things like sexism and other prejudices. I think part of it was the new owners son being a creepy guy and not liking it when people tell him no. We also think it was him and/or his family that made some complaints and allegations about my partner and her teaching her dance classes, which could have lost her the classes. Luckily the local council are not such bigots and know damn well it was all lies so nothing bad really came of that, especially as the older students and the parents of the younger students spoke out in support, which was really sweet of them. I am still sorely tempted to ask a few people to pay him a visit and beat some manners into him and maybe break his sexist, bigoted face, but he is not worth it and I won't lower myself to his kind of level. It just really annoys me this has all been done for no reason at all, my partner did nothing at all to them, in fact she has worked hard to get things back on track once they took over the ownership of the stables. There was zero justification for it, other than my partner telling their son to keep his hands and his comments to himself, which is still not justification as he should not be such a creep. Anyway, I will stop rambling. :-)
How have you been liking the new releases?
EndreWhiteMane: Work was much more relaxed than yesterday so I'm doing quite well thanks, glad to hear you are doing at least OK and looking forward to a holiday.
*big hug*
That is good to hear. How is the weather there for you, has it started to cool down to a more reasonable temperature for you?
Thank you.
*big hug*
FearfulSymmetry: Yeah, I played the Tomb Raider reboot that came out a few years back and really enjoyed it. So I'm hoping this one will be fun too. :) Thank you! I'm sure I will.
Oh, I really can't beat that. :P *big silly but heartfelt normal hug*
I never understood why in some of the games they call her Laura now, and not Lara. I have heard a few bad things about the more newer game, but mostly good things, so hopefully they will give you a lot of fun.
*big super silly heartfelt abnormal hug*