AgentBirdnest: I've got another 115º (45ºC) weekend coming up.
Have you tried Dragon Age? I've always been a bit curious about it, but have hesitated. RPG isn't usually one of my favourite genres.
Aye, we're used to the heat in summer, but it's getting hot in places more than here, Southern California. Last week Fairbanks Alaska was hotter than here. Some of these regions aren't used to the heat and don't have Air Conditioners, plus it makes weather patterns unpredictable and unstable.
Recently, the Jet Streams for the Northern and Southern Hemisphere have crossed the equator for the first time in modern history. That means instability is here to stay.
Definitely played DA Origins. I have it on disk. It's a great game, RPG with a touch of
Strategy feel with the combat. You have NPCs you choose to be in your party that are
fully voiced and interact with each other as you make your way through the world/campaign.
It's a modernized graphics version in the tradition of Baldur's Gate and Icewind series of games.
It's best to do a little reading up on builds for the classes. The story telling in this game is
one of Bioware's best as well. A most memorable gaming experience you can play through
several times. I think I went through at least two more times immediately after my first playthrough.