akhliber: Hello, fine folks of Fred! I hope you're all doing well, or as well as you're able, today. Sending love from my little corner of the world before getting into a bit more Dex and some house cleaning.
Have a lovely day, folks!
*big hugs*
<return hug>
Hello and good day! House cleaning seems like it should be the order of the day here too,
but I'll have to wait until I get my coffee,, and after a shower and a shave. By then I'll not want
to do the cleaning and just tidy up a bit. heh
pimpmonkey2382.313: Hot, and dizzy and shaky today. Highly considering a nap. :P *hugs and pets owl*
We've been lucky that the morning have been cool and the heat of the day has been
not so hot as it could be in So. California... . Hoping that lasts until the end of July.