pimpmonkey2382.313: Me too anymore, especially for the most part star trek novels. lol A lot of nerding out on trek e-books.
Do you read Star Trek novels or comics (or both)? I notice that Humble has a fair few Star Trek bundles every now and then.
ElTerprise: Same here - prefer physical books but started to get more and more ebooks (currently reading them on my smartphone). Another reason was that i usually read while getting to and back home from the university and during the rush hour the trains are usually *really* crowded and thus i don't have enough space to read a physical book ;)
Oh and good evening *big hug* :)
One mention of Star Trek and ElT appears. That must be his version of the Batman signal. :-)
I am not keen on reading off a phone or a tablet. I don't mind the Kindle Paperwhite or other e-ink readers, but for some reason I am not a big fan of reading a lot of text off regular mobile device screens.
And good evening! *return hug*