CarrionCrow: It's the only real store around here. Options are not so much limited as nonexistent.
-laughs- Sounds like the cats here. They know how to open doors, but still get a little confused when it comes to applying enough force that they don't swing shut again.
Ugh...sounds like the puppy is melting. It's good you're looking out for them so they don't overheat.
Holy crap. With my social anxiety issues, if Walmart was the only store in town, I'd basically have to learn to become self-sufficient and "live off the grid." Not sure I could make a regular thing of that.
We just had another (brief) basking session outside, and now he's tearing apart a bowl of ice. It cracks me up though, he gets all pissy if I put a piece of ice in his water. I get that he doesn't understand that they're one and the same, but it just makes me laugh every time I forget and think I'm "doing him a favor" cooling his water down. :)
EndreWhiteMane: Anyone here played Celestian Tales: Old North? It looks very enjoyable but the ratings are pretty bad.
I backed it on Kickstarter, but I have to admit I only played about 4 hours into the game before I got distracted away from it by Witcher 3 or some such. I do plan to get back to it, sooner rather than later now that the dlc hit, I suppose, but I recall really appreciating the art in the game and thinking the characters were well-drawn, if not completely well-written... didn't strike me as bad writing, just as "expected rpg fare," I suppose. From what I recall, the combat is basically similar to old-school Final Fantasy games, turn-based with choices like "attack," "item" and "special/magic" or some such.
I got the impression I'll really enjoy it, personally. The fact that I abandoned it temporarily doesn't speak for the quality of the game, just for the fact that I'm terribly finicky, and realized it wasn't the right time for that one. It doesn't get the best reviews, so maybe try something like the Ys games or Trails in the Sky first if you want a jrpg experience, but quite honestly, the fact that Celestian Tales is somewhat short (and caters to multiple play-throughs as different characters) really appealed to me.