Posted July 01, 2016

Get off my lawn!
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted July 01, 2016

Yeah, I like it quite a bit. It really is like super expanded medieval Batman Arkham Asylum/City, only you know why all the enemies fall down, as opposed to Arkham where you have to assume Batman beats everyone into a prolonged coma.
I know right? It's a pretty good game and they nailed the free-flow combat system and yes...having it in a world where you kill the enemies makes it "realistic" compared to the non-lethal approach of Batman which is sometimes unbelievable after he's done with his enemies :D

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted July 01, 2016
Oh god, a Steam fanboy. :-)
I know they don't, but I am also not keen on a client either, and most of the games I saw did have DRM. So there. :-p
Yay! *big hug*
CarrionCrow: -laughing- I never thought that'd be such an effective form of weather control.
It's okay. It's a desert during summer, of course it's going to suck.
Totally understandable. For rationalization, I look at all of it like I was still going to Blockbuster or Hollywood Video and renting stuff. It's the same thing. If it's worth it, then great. Play it, beat it, feel like I got my money's worth and move on.
If it's not (like some 60 dollar, 8 hours of content having piece of crap), I skip it.
I'm sorry to hear she's wiped out energy-wise, but also glad you're feeling better today. =) Well I think this was actually a weather man I hit, not a seal. But it seemed to work. :-)
That is a good way of looking at it. So does that make GOG the second hand store where we buy old games from then? :-)
No need to be sorry. She has been working quite hard lately as some of her work colleagues are off due to a number of reasons, so she has needed to work a lot more hours. Which is why I was glad she went out last night, as she really needed a nice time out with her work friends away from work.
I know they don't, but I am also not keen on a client either, and most of the games I saw did have DRM. So there. :-p
Yay! *big hug*

It's okay. It's a desert during summer, of course it's going to suck.
Totally understandable. For rationalization, I look at all of it like I was still going to Blockbuster or Hollywood Video and renting stuff. It's the same thing. If it's worth it, then great. Play it, beat it, feel like I got my money's worth and move on.
If it's not (like some 60 dollar, 8 hours of content having piece of crap), I skip it.
I'm sorry to hear she's wiped out energy-wise, but also glad you're feeling better today. =)
That is a good way of looking at it. So does that make GOG the second hand store where we buy old games from then? :-)
No need to be sorry. She has been working quite hard lately as some of her work colleagues are off due to a number of reasons, so she has needed to work a lot more hours. Which is why I was glad she went out last night, as she really needed a nice time out with her work friends away from work.

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted July 01, 2016
Sorry...this is why I usually don't look when people can't remember. Never know what you'll dredge up. ;)
ElTerprise: Yes it's not bad. But i messed the Ratbag mission once and then Mad Max came in the way...but i'll get back to it. Like killing the middle bosses :)
I know right? It's a pretty good game and they nailed the free-flow combat system and yes...having it in a world where you kill the enemies makes it "realistic" compared to the non-lethal approach of Batman which is sometimes unbelievable after he's done with his enemies :D I'm hoping it won't be largely stealth-based for the main missions. That is my least favorite part of the game by far.
It's fun when you have the choice, shit when you're forced to.
It's obvious, Batman is either killing people or leaving them with life-long traumatic brain injuries. One of the two.

I know right? It's a pretty good game and they nailed the free-flow combat system and yes...having it in a world where you kill the enemies makes it "realistic" compared to the non-lethal approach of Batman which is sometimes unbelievable after he's done with his enemies :D
It's fun when you have the choice, shit when you're forced to.
It's obvious, Batman is either killing people or leaving them with life-long traumatic brain injuries. One of the two.
Post edited July 01, 2016 by CarrionCrow

Registered: Sep 2009
From Canada
Posted July 01, 2016

I know they don't, but I am also not keen on a client either, and most of the games I saw did have DRM. So there. :-p
A partial DRM free list:
As for "Fan Boy"... I've actually bought from most digital stores that seem to have a reputable presence.
I've bought from: Direct2Drive, Impulse (Stardock & Gamestop), GamersGate, GOG, Steam, Indie Gala, Humble Bundle, Indie Royale (the company associated with starting Desura), Bundle Stars, Amazon, Strategy First, EA (before & after Origin), NCSoft, Future Shop (now Best Buy the parent company), Games For Windows Live Marketplace (Microsoft's PC store that shut down), Games Republic & probably others I've forgotten exist. Only off hand ones I know I haven't bought from are Activision's digital store & Ubisoft's digital store.
I almost always go the lowest price & I'm willing to critique any of them. There has been, or is, DRM free items on all of them & all have benefits & disadvantages.

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted July 01, 2016

A partial DRM free list:
As for "Fan Boy"... I've actually bought from most digital stores that seem to have a reputable presence.
I've bought from: Direct2Drive, Impulse (Stardock & Gamestop), GamersGate, GOG, Steam, Indie Gala, Humble Bundle, Indie Royale (the company associated with starting Desura), Bundle Stars, Amazon, Strategy First, EA (before & after Origin), NCSoft, Future Shop (now Best Buy the parent company), Games For Windows Live Marketplace (Microsoft's PC store that shut down), Games Republic & probably others I've forgotten exist. Only off hand ones I know I haven't bought from are Activision's digital store & Ubisoft's digital store.
I almost always go the lowest price & I'm willing to critique any of them. There has been, or is, DRM free items on all of them & all have benefits & disadvantages.
But to play devils advocate to your complaint, I find it unreasonable that anyone will get so worked up at someone else not buying games form a store they don't agree with. It does not effect you in any way, so why should it matter who buys what from where or who won't but from where? if you are fine with all those stores then great, give yourself a pat on the back. But just because you are does not mean everyone else is. You have your views they have theirs. This would be a pretty dull world if we all thought the same. I really fail to see why there is so much hostility on the internet between the Steam and no-Steam people. Like it matters to anyone really, you use what you want, others use what they want. it is not hurting you in any way, just as you using Steam is not hurting them.

Registered: May 2011
From United States

Registered: Sep 2009
From Canada
Posted July 01, 2016
You might have a point.

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted July 01, 2016
Sure. *tries to remember the rhyme*
I think it is: One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war?
And I have no problem with what store people use. I am not about to go about forcing my views on people about where they get bloody games from, they do what they want, I do what I want, and we can we all get along.
... wait, how big are your hands, is this going to be an unfair thumb wrestle? :-)
I think it is: One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war?
And I have no problem with what store people use. I am not about to go about forcing my views on people about where they get bloody games from, they do what they want, I do what I want, and we can we all get along.
... wait, how big are your hands, is this going to be an unfair thumb wrestle? :-)

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted July 01, 2016

It's fun when you have the choice, shit when you're forced to.
It's obvious, Batman is either killing people or leaving them with life-long traumatic brain injuries. One of the two.
I wonder which would be better in the long run...

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted July 01, 2016
Random Steam question: I sometimes see games that say they require third party clients, like Uplay. Does that mean you could get a key on Steam and redeem it on Uplay, or would you have to launch the game via Steam, which then launches Uplay to play the game?

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted July 01, 2016

I think it is: One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war?
And I have no problem with what store people use. I am not about to go about forcing my views on people about where they get bloody games from, they do what they want, I do what I want, and we can we all get along.
... wait, how big are your hands, is this going to be an unfair thumb wrestle? :-)
Nuh uh. I can totally tell that you're forcing me. So much so, in fact, that I'm laughing about it right now. ;P
Um...-hides hands behind back-
They're very small and dainty. Very petite hands for someone of my size. Honest. ;)

I wonder which would be better in the long run...
Usually my attacks start with stealth, turn into a brawl mixed with slow-mo arrow shots to thin the inevitable herd, and occasionally end with me hiding again, depending on how many mini-bosses show up to that particular party.
(My personal record is having three of the bastards show up at once, like I'd inadvertently invaded a social mixer.)
Pretty sure I'd rather be dead than a human eggplant. Just my opinion.
Post edited July 01, 2016 by CarrionCrow

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted July 01, 2016

Thank you for the answer.

Nuh uh. I can totally tell that you're forcing me. So much so, in fact, that I'm laughing about it right now. ;P
Um...-hides hands behind back-
They're very small and dainty. Very petite hands for someone of my size. Honest. ;)
Why does that dainty hand look like it belongs to someone else? And why is that lady sat over there with only one arm? o_O
Do you have any nice plans for Canada day? Is it a big event in Canada?
Post edited July 01, 2016 by ddickinson

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted July 01, 2016
Good evening folks.
Two things have happend to me today.
The first one is that one of my closest friends' mother has died.
It wasn't a surprise thing and he took it in stride. In fact I believe he was relieved.
The second is confirmation that I passed every one of the tests I attended.
Which means I only have one subject to retake.
And now for something completely different.
A man with blurred genitalia.
Two things have happend to me today.
The first one is that one of my closest friends' mother has died.
It wasn't a surprise thing and he took it in stride. In fact I believe he was relieved.
The second is confirmation that I passed every one of the tests I attended.
Which means I only have one subject to retake.
And now for something completely different.
A man with blurred genitalia.
Post edited July 01, 2016 by j0ekerr

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted July 01, 2016

Usually my attacks start with stealth, turn into a brawl mixed with slow-mo arrow shots to thin the inevitable herd, and occasionally end with me hiding again, depending on how many mini-bosses show up to that particular party.
(My personal record is having three of the bastards show up at once, like I'd inadvertently invaded a social mixer.)
Pretty sure I'd rather be dead than a human eggplant. Just my opinion.
Oh yes had that too...that was actually when i was killed by that Drushkat - who was a normal Uruk at that point :|
Me too...