CarrionCrow: -groans- I would seriously consider punching a baby seal to have that weather here...;)
Can't complain here. Ran errands, ate a burrito that is
way too large for a single meal, now it's back to checking out the rental sale for the 1,700th time.
How are you doing tonight?
What a surprise, that is how I got it here. :-)
Sorry the weather there is not that nice. If I could I would tell this storm to pay you a visit. But the weather never tends to listen to me.
I was checking the Steam sale, there are some very nice games there that I would like to try, but sadly the DRM thing is a big no for me.
I am good, thank you. My partner is having a very early night as she is warn out. We were up a little late after she got back home, and then she was at work early, so she has not had much sleep and has had a very busy day, so she is completely exhausted. So I figured I would try a few little games while I am having a goodish day with my migraines.