EndreWhiteMane: Morning all, glad everyone seems to be at least OK today.
Still feeling a bit mentally abused here but yesterday wasn't really the ideal situation for a rather anti-social guy with anxiety issues. Life must go on though. :-)
Today should be a pretty normal day of barely controlled chaos so that should work better, I just pretend I'm the boss and let the fun happen. ;)
Not finding much in the way of sale games that interest me, think maybe I'm just a bit burned out on backlog building at the moment.
*hugs, waves, vacation in Thailand (which has some of the worlds most beautiful women)*
Good morning. =)
Getting the feeling that you did fine.
If you didn't run off and dodge the cameras entirely, you did a hell of a lot better than I would've.
-laughs- That works. You can say lots of boss-like things, all of them shorthand for "you do this crap, I don't want to", then say you're going to your office. If you don't have one, say that, then go out to your truck.
If anyone asks what you're doing, roll down the window, tell them you're having an important meeting, then roll it back up and speak loudly to yourself like you're having a conversation with someone only you can see. =)