How dare you have a different opinion! *throws a hissy fit like 99% of politicians* :-)
Oh I agree, the campaign was terrible, both sides lying and manipulating voters for their own gain. None of them seemed to tell the truth and just give facts. One side made a claim, the other side said it was wrong, but did not really give any details facts to back their side. It was just both sides trying to appeal to the masses of each group.
This whole thing is down to the politicians in the EU as a whole, including those in the UK. But I think you overestimate how much influence we were given in shaping the EU, we had to apply many times before we were even allowed in. And again I agree, those politicians benefiting from the EU of course had a hand to play in all the corruption and the attitude geared toward the rich and the corporations over the people.
And I agree with all the rest as well for the most part. This whole thing is based on lies and greed, but then, that is the EU for you. Many believe the UK and others have tried many times to "thrown its weight around", and to no avail. There are certain nations in the EU that stick together and make sure the UK and others have no real influence in how the EU works. Could it have been handled better? Of course, I wish it had been, I wish the EU had been willing to make changes years ago. But would they ever do that, they seem to have their heads so far up their arse they see no reason to make changes, they just ignore anyone who disagrees and do as they please. Which is why many, not all, think the vote to leave was the best way to send a clear message to the EU. I think the majority of those who voted to leave would have rather stayed in an EU that was willing to change, but as they have shown no intention of changing, some felt it better to leave. Not to mention others did not like so many unelected officials to have control over their freedom and sovereignty. The EU should perhaps stick to trade and basic legal ties, not the power house they are and want to be. And if you doubt that they want to be a real power in the world outside of trade, then ask why they would need a European Army when we already have NATO?
I am not saying I agree with everyones view on it, I am just saying what some people are saying and their arguments for the vote.
*throws a pie at the bunny like a real politician*