EndreWhiteMane: That's pretty high praise for a game, I'll have to get around to those one of these days.
Admittedly, I ultimately found the control scheme in the first Witcher too awkward, and lost momentum a good 40 hours or so in. Gameplay and writing both seemed much improved in the second game and I thoroughly enjoyed it, but the third one just stood out to me for being so well written and so well rounded. I am anything but a completionist in video games, with rare exceptions... when I wrap up Witcher 3, I'll have played a ton more side quests and treasure hunts and "fetch quests" than I'd usually do in any RPG, but the side quests are really where the game shines, and exploration is fun enough that even the treasure hunts are fun to do, as you're bound to find some interesting places and characters. But I'll be hanging in the hat without coming anywhere near "completing" the game, as there are still a ridiculous amount of "?'s" on the map (which indicate an "undiscovered location," which could mean a bandit camp, or a place of power, or a hidden treasure, or a number of other things).
I'm considering just leaving the game installed after I finish the last DLC just to run around and open the rest of the ?'s, but I've already put in more than enough hours... it's just an absurdly huge game, but it's kept me interested for 140+ hours (mind you, I'm very slow with RPG's, especially ones with lots of in-game books/lore to read, as I read even more slowly than I play) :)