EndreWhiteMane: Being a Mountie was always one of my fantasies as a kid. I was astounded by how highly qualified those guys really are. I was very close to becoming a Canadian, thanks to a little thing called Vietnam. :/ (Yes, I'm old)
JunglePredator: New cops are crap.
Brother-in-Law wants to become one.
He's roight stand up. Did CPR on a dead women for an hour.
Now days I don't call them mounties... I call them cops.
Don't trust em any more.
But the old..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=021MIl0SWXo Btw... the music being song is by Canadian bands..
except the 1st one, That was Paul Gross singing & staring in his own TV show.
Very nice.
Geez, "Mounties turning bad" is about as shocking as "Santa turned evil". :/