Yezemin: It's a play. Some friends of mine are part of a theater troupe and they do plays twice a year. I usually try to go see them.
Being able to see your friends on stage sounds like a lot of fun. I know when I get to see my partner perform it is always lovely. Hopefully the play will be wonderful for you. The novel it is based on if good as well. Is it just a stage adaptation of the book, or have they modernised it or changed it up a little?
omega64: You might find one, it's 302 games long. :P
I'm doing fine so far, happy that the weekend starts soon.
Wanna get into Defender's Quest and [Insert other game].
Possibly finish Reading Thinner by Stephen King.
Maybe, I don't have many spare keys so there is always a chance I won't. But I will take a look a little later and if I do have one you are more than welcome to have it.
That sounds like a nice plan. I don't think I have read Thinner, but then I am not really a big fan of Stephen King.
Empress_Owl: Well, if what would tip the balance for you are challenging puzzles, you'd better pass. I can't really tell about the story, because I haven't finish the game... maybe someone else could answer you on that point ?... indeed for the moment it's not very compelling ; as a proof, I haven't played it again for the moment. I will, at some point... but nothing makes it very addictive to me...
You can ask every question you like, dear ;-) I'd be happy to answer if i can...
If I were you, I'd keep it on my list anyway, and wait it to show up with a high discount... oh, wait !! it's already the case ^^ ... you can always wait for it to be
even more discounted if you're still not sure about liking it :-)
I think you summed up what a lot of the reviews said about the game. People either seemed to live it, or think it was a bit meh. A nice game, but not anything special. I will have a think and decide later today about it. With any luck I will talk myself into removing the whole list and I will finally be free. :-)
Awww, thank you. So more questions.... Erm... why is water wet? Why is fire hot? Why do the French eat frogs, and snails, and puppy dog tails? :-)
*big silly hug*
XxXSprayvWarXxX: Good Morning DD! :) The results are coming out in an hour!
Those are quick results. Well then, good luck with your results. Hopefully all your hard work will pay off.