ddickinson: Me, but chances are I will unlock it myself after getting a birthday present Yezemin and with the free XP.
FearfulSymmetry: Well, if you want it it's yours! Just let me know. :)
omega64: Fine, doing some stuff for school. :P
FearfulSymmetry: Ugh, yeah, I just finished some of that up myself. Just one more week and then my holiday will start ... How about you?
2 weeks until I finish my internship.
Taking a week off after and will work after that.
omega64: Fair, I loved Doom 1+2 when I first played them last years/2 years ago. xD
JunglePredator: have you tried doom 2 with doomsday engine & community packs? Ups it to a Quake 2 level... wide screen, hi-res textures, 3d models, anti-aliasing, etc.
Nope, I played them in the BFG edition default version, mouse controls etc, okay resolution etc.
1+2 were included in it and I didn't own them yet. :P
I bought them here but can't stand them in their default form.
Wouldn't even know where to begin with getting them in decent resolutions and with mouse control etc.
Also no, I don't want jumping. :l
It wasn't in the original game, get out.