AgentBirdnest: So... if you add a drop of the orange stuff instead of the red stuff, it will cause an explosion, which lands on the student next to you, who will become mutated, so he sues the government, which makes Belgium go bankrupt and gets bought by Walmart? Which eventually leads to WW3, and... Boom, all because of an exam mistake ;-p
That, or, a 1% difference in score ;-) I'm sure you'll do great though. You're a smart guy.
Haha, or I add a drop of the wrong fluid and I create a poisonous gas cloud that self-replicates through interaction with the athmosphere, leading earth to develop a venus-like climate over the course of a few terrifying final months :D
Biggest problem is that you are measuring quantities along the likes of 0.000016 grammes, and being of by (more than) 0.000002 grammes gets you another nice zero (as a grade).
So that. And I feel flattered :)
on the Besides, I find this to be an oddly hilarious rant-article EndreWhiteMane: Good morning denizens of the thread named Fred.
Just about to jump in the shower and get ready for work.
Hope everyone is having a great day so far.
*hugs, waves, cold drink*
Just don't set fire to the entire roll of Magnesium like we did. One very pissed teacher. :-)
*Wants to hug you back, but finds you already in the shower. So; dons Sunglasses and hugs you while under the shower, in full ornate uniform, gassmask and hat*
I'm doing fine. It's slowly nearing that tipping point that you just want to get the final exams over with though...
At one point (during the exam of organic chemistry a few weeks ago), someone dropped a few test tubes with fluid and cleaned em up nicely while the teacher took care of the spilled stuff. But he didn't rinse the broken glasswork before disposing of it in the wrong thrash can (the one with used gloves and cleanex). Whatever got mixed in there got on like a thrascan on fire. Chemistry was in the air :D