Posted June 08, 2016

Registered: Sep 2009
From Canada

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted June 08, 2016

If you can't remember don't worry too much - I'll be able to figure it out. My biggest thing was just trying to figure out WHAT I should be running, not so much the how LOL. Sounds like "unofficial patch" might be a decent start.
Going to download it here so I can try playthroughs with the add-ons and without to see the differences.

Registered: Sep 2009
From Canada
Posted June 08, 2016

If you can't remember don't worry too much - I'll be able to figure it out. My biggest thing was just trying to figure out WHAT I should be running, not so much the how LOL. Sounds like "unofficial patch" might be a decent start.

Going to download it here so I can try playthroughs with the add-ons and without to see the differences.
Make sure you do a bit of research... there's actually 2 unofficial mods... on adds in stuff that wasn't originally in the game while the other just tries to fix bugs.
I forget which one is which.
Post edited June 08, 2016 by JunglePredator

Insert liquor
Registered: May 2011
From Finland
Posted June 08, 2016
I went to outside to smoke a tobacco and and some one jammed a fucking key in the lock. it's open alright.. He was vanishing and I said that you must phone to some one, nobody knows it's open. and after a while I went to roll 2 cigarettes for him and for me but again he was not there.. you just can't leave a key jammed in the lock without doing something.
Edit: in any case,, he just lost a free cig..
Edit: in any case,, he just lost a free cig..
Post edited June 08, 2016 by Antimateria

Boxer Dogs Rule
Registered: Feb 2014
From United States
Posted June 08, 2016
Yes. I've wanted to give it a shot for AGES and was super excited when it showed up here not too long ago. I should have grabbed it on release but didn't - with the markdown in this sale it was an easy pickup. VERY excited to finally play it but I know there are worlds of mods / options / patches so thought I'd best ask here first (I know Crow has played the game a million times, give or take several hundred thousand).
Can't wait to decide on clan. I'd go Malkavian (spelling?) but heard that's a rough first playthrough because of that niggling insanity thing. I might end up Brujah if they skew philosopher - warrior more than just warrior. I could after learning about skills / stats and such see myself going Ventrue or an outside chance of Toreador.
Can't wait to decide on clan. I'd go Malkavian (spelling?) but heard that's a rough first playthrough because of that niggling insanity thing. I might end up Brujah if they skew philosopher - warrior more than just warrior. I could after learning about skills / stats and such see myself going Ventrue or an outside chance of Toreador.

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted June 09, 2016

You could do a Malkavian run as your first. Basically it boils down to, your character's going to have some very screwy dialogue choices. People will sometimes mention to the effect of, "Oh gods, it's one of the crazies", but I've never seen serious harm come of it.
Brujah do tend towards physicality above all else. You could try to buck that trend and go with something more cerebral, but it'll take more XP to pull off. Also, your discipline choices will be limited (disciplines being your magical vampire powers), since they only have Presence (which debuffs enemies and possibly paralyzes them for a bit as they stare in awe at you) if you're trying for subtlety and avoiding Celerity (superhuman speed) and Potence (superhuman strength that ups melee and unarmed damage).
Ventrue are interesting in that they're denied the most plentiful sources of blood in the game. Chomping on homeless people might make your character throw up, and no eating rats all together. That can make things tricky if you're running low and need a refill.
Toreador are all right, I guess. They're the most social, and could be interesting if you want to try using their double humanity loss disadvantage to ride as close to the line as you can without turning full beast and losing the game. (If you do something monstrous, you lose humanity. Toreador lose twice as much as other clans when doing these things. If your humanity hits zero, it's game over.)
-jumps out after writing an on-the-fly game mechanics and character creation novella...-
Post edited June 09, 2016 by CarrionCrow

Boxer Dogs Rule
Registered: Feb 2014
From United States
Posted June 09, 2016
Interesting thanks - so maybe Malkavian won't be as bad a first go as I thought. I was initially thinking playing a Malkavian would be akin to doing a Fallout 2 run with a 3 INT character.
I know they're very different games but I did a heavy Presence character in my first run of Redemption. A combat oriented Brujah might be an "easy" mode for me because I'd default to playing the game like an action RPG.
I sort of like the risk reward of those last two (when I dive into the manual I'll have a better idea of stuff like that but thanks for pointing it out - I had no clue that game had those kinds of systems in place!).
So I think Malkavian is strongly back on the table, along with Ventrue and Toreador, eventually to be determined by Disciplines and random whim once I finally settle down and look at a stat sheet in game ;)
I know they're very different games but I did a heavy Presence character in my first run of Redemption. A combat oriented Brujah might be an "easy" mode for me because I'd default to playing the game like an action RPG.
I sort of like the risk reward of those last two (when I dive into the manual I'll have a better idea of stuff like that but thanks for pointing it out - I had no clue that game had those kinds of systems in place!).
So I think Malkavian is strongly back on the table, along with Ventrue and Toreador, eventually to be determined by Disciplines and random whim once I finally settle down and look at a stat sheet in game ;)

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted June 09, 2016

But on a serious note, I am sorry to hear they did not go so well. I hope this month will be better for you and that you do well on the exams. I am running out of fingers to cross for people today, but I am sure I can manage another set for you as well, so fingers crossed things go well. :-)
Edit: And good evening, everyone!
Post edited June 09, 2016 by ddickinson

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted June 09, 2016

I know they're very different games but I did a heavy Presence character in my first run of Redemption. A combat oriented Brujah might be an "easy" mode for me because I'd default to playing the game like an action RPG.
I sort of like the risk reward of those last two (when I dive into the manual I'll have a better idea of stuff like that but thanks for pointing it out - I had no clue that game had those kinds of systems in place!).
So I think Malkavian is strongly back on the table, along with Ventrue and Toreador, eventually to be determined by Disciplines and random whim once I finally settle down and look at a stat sheet in game ;)
If you can figure out what your character's trying to say in crazy talk, it should be fine.
Also, they get Obfuscate. Obfuscate is an absolute godsend for crappy stealth missions, since it makes you invisible. (I hate stealth levels.)
Being combat-oriented works to a point, but there's other stuff to do. I like to go for computers and lockpicking, so I never have to dick around with cracking things open. But everything's got a use, whether big or small.
Whenever you decide, feel free to mention what you ended up picking. =)

Registered: May 2011
From United States

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted June 09, 2016
Good evening.
I had a lovely evening for the most part, thank you. I do wish I could get some sleep, but I seem to be having a bad time at the moment with my coughing so that is not gonna happen, and since I don't want to wake my partner up due to it all I figured i would spend some time reading and chatting on here. Not too bad I suppose, I could definitely be worse, so not bad. :-)
How are you? Seen anything new on the sale to add to your list?
I had a lovely evening for the most part, thank you. I do wish I could get some sleep, but I seem to be having a bad time at the moment with my coughing so that is not gonna happen, and since I don't want to wake my partner up due to it all I figured i would spend some time reading and chatting on here. Not too bad I suppose, I could definitely be worse, so not bad. :-)
How are you? Seen anything new on the sale to add to your list?

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted June 09, 2016

I had a lovely evening for the most part, thank you. I do wish I could get some sleep, but I seem to be having a bad time at the moment with my coughing so that is not gonna happen, and since I don't want to wake my partner up due to it all I figured i would spend some time reading and chatting on here. Not too bad I suppose, I could definitely be worse, so not bad. :-)
How are you? Seen anything new on the sale to add to your list?
Doing all right here. A bit warm, but that goes with the territory.
For games, I see three that I might end up getting, but I want to see what's going to show up next before spending the coin.
I've played the sale game too often, I know I'll get burned impulse buying everything that catches my eye on the first day.

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted June 09, 2016

Doing all right here. A bit warm, but that goes with the territory.
For games, I see three that I might end up getting, but I want to see what's going to show up next before spending the coin.
I've played the sale game too often, I know I'll get burned impulse buying everything that catches my eye on the first day.
There is actually a lovely cold breeze here at the moment, which I know is not really helpful to you, but just thought i would mention it :-). That sounds like a good idea. There are a few that are a little interesting to me that are not on my wishlist, but none that I will add to the list, at least not while the sale is on. What do you think of the sale format? It is strange seeing the variation in XP. It does not seem to be linked to cost exactly, as a cheaper In Development game for example would give me more XP than a slightly more expensive complete game.

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted June 09, 2016

There is actually a lovely cold breeze here at the moment, which I know is not really helpful to you, but just thought i would mention it :-). That sounds like a good idea. There are a few that are a little interesting to me that are not on my wishlist, but none that I will add to the list, at least not while the sale is on. What do you think of the sale format? It is strange seeing the variation in XP. It does not seem to be linked to cost exactly, as a cheaper In Development game for example would give me more XP than a slightly more expensive complete game.
Oh all means, please continue telling me about your lovely weather as I slowly melt into a gigantic puddle of sweat that utilizes a tendril of salty water to type.
I won't do anything like compare that to someone with a plate full of food mentioning how good it is to a starving person, or telling someone with no legs how great it is to walk around...;P
The sale format is fine, if slow. Everything but Insomnia-pace, have to click it before someone else does, fuck you if you do things like get up, or go to the bathroom, or get a drink, is slow to me.
Hmm. Hadn't noticed that. I'm not really going for in-dev games, so I didn't see the difference.