ddickinson: No one said the hugs had to be done now, you could give out hug IOUs for future redeeming. :-)
I don't think I would do well where you are. I don't mind nice sunny days, but I am not a fan of overly hot days.
I wonder if the sale will start once the Connect stuff is over with. So is this connect going to be a featured sale often, or will the page of available games update for the Steam users in the background and it will be up to users to check?
-laughs- You've put more thought into it than I have.
I don't do well with it, and I've been here for a while. It's just shitty in general, thoroughly unpleasant unless your idea of a good time involves heat stroke and the slow onset of skin cancer.
To me, it makes more sense to go now. I thought the Connect time limit was ending when the sale did, but with the extra time they can still get more exposure for everything all at once.
Beyond that, it seems a better idea to get the frenzy going, rather than having people waiting impatiently.
Also, extra expenses have a bad habit of popping up at inopportune moments. Better to strike fast to get as much coin as possible from the customers.
I don't think it'll be a sale every time. That's probably to help promote the start of the program.
When they get more companies involved, they'll put it up on the site, then give people a certain amount of time to do the additions of their rental games, like they're doing now.