CarrionCrow: I would need that desperately if I tried to put my own tower together.
You and Moonshine would probably want to hit me quite a bit by the time it was done. -laughs-
I highly recommend Shadow Warrior 2013. With all the time I spend shredding games, that's one I can say I had a lot of fun with. The more Hard Reset is like it, the happier I'll be.
Well don't overexaggerate my was my first try to build a pc on my own :)
Good. Thanks. Might give it a try soon then :)
j0ekerr: Afternoon.
Finally got the 4 games I had on steam ported to my gog account.
I haz a drm-free copy of Braid.
Goddamit, why won't this people git gud?
Congrats. So it finally works.
akhliber: Just a quick hello to all of you. Been rather busy today, getting some projects done around the house and doing some extra training with Sarge. I'll try to do some actual catching up later. I may take a break to game a little in a bit, if so I'll swing back by here as well to see how you've all been doing. :)
*big hugs all around*
Hey *big return hug*
Hopefully you'll find some rest after the busy day. See you later :)