CarrionCrow: Actually, it's the opposite. The game only engages part of the mind. The rest of it will still jabber away ceaselessly.
What's bugging me is, why spend 60 hours on something like that when I could spend the time on something that might be memorable for qualities other than doing the same level 1,500 times.
I see... After a while of playing Volgarr, I noticed that my mind would just start thinking about life and the world, and all that boring sh*t :-p
Then I noticed that I had played it for about 37 hours. Roughly the same amount of time I had spent on Dragonfall. The enjoyment ration between the two games was about 1:44. So I promptly threw Volgarr out the gogdamn window.
I don't want to completely eliminate hard games from my rotation though. I just need to figure out when I need to stop. Maybe set a time limit for myself or something...