Posted May 24, 2016

Have to say, I'm still idly curious as to what your thoughts on Salt and Sanctuary will be when you have the chance to play it.
Anything you're hoping pops up when the sales start to hit?
And now that I've scarred you with that mental image. Actually I'm rather fond of Neptunia even if it turns out to be weeabo shite, it's still weeabo shite I want. As for Salt & Sanctuary, it's far too recent to get any deep discount. And since Steam stopped doing flash deals...
Speaking of Dark Souls related stuff. I hear there's a lot of wailing and drama over poise being useless in the 3rd game, basically rendering heavy armour worthless. Poise was a basic stat for slow heavy hittiers, since it allowed them to tank a few hits without being interrupted and/or stun locked. It was OP in DS1, slightly nerfed in DS2 and apparently, taken behind the barn and shot in the head in 3.
Post edited May 25, 2016 by j0ekerr