EndreWhiteMane: So far I've met most of the kids and they seem reasonably interested so that's a good thing.
The actual classes will start after school lets out for the summer, 2nd week in June.
As long as my health and head play nice on class days I think it'll all go pretty well. Classes are only 90 minutes each so really the hardest thing will be squeezing in all the info in that short a time.
Ah, so it's prep time, with all the anticipatory anxiety that goes with it.
Not going to say everything will be silky smooth at all times, since that'd be insultingly silly blowing smoke up your ass nonsense, but I hope it all goes as well as possible. What you're doing is commendable.
Hmm. Maybe some info sheets? My first thought is really simple stuff, key points about whatever you figure you'll be talking about in basic forms. Something that might work as memory enhancers, but not anything intimidating like large stacks of information that they think they're expected to absorb right off the bat.
akhliber: A sleepy "good morning to you, Fred." I hope you're all having a good day! Typing has become much easier, but I haven't chanced trying to game with my knobby fangers just yet. Still enjoying going through old and new music to decide just what I want to fill my music player with... I've almost filled it now, and have put most things I felt most strongly about, so it's a bit of a coast from here on out. :)
A bit of sleepy-sad morning music:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWoZGwOIfDE I can't quite exceed that pace until I've had a few gallons of coffee run through me. ;)
Good morning. =)
Glad to hear you've got a strong resilience to balance out potential overload-related mishaps.