Posted May 10, 2016

I did not realise that the English and US English spellings are different for liquorice/licorice until now. Do you prefer the coloured variety over the original black liquorice?
The liquorice roots sticks are not the most popular, so I can understand you not having seen them, or maybe you did and just never noticed, they do just look like sticks after all. But they can be hard to find here, so I would imagine they would also be in the US, except for a few stores that deal with natural food like that. They are not to everyones tastes, but I have always liked them.
The black licorice sold here (just as much synthetic crap as the red, I'm sure) is extremely strong. Makes it unpleasant to eat.
I'd probably have to go to an actual city and check a more-organic based food store. Or go to Amazon. They've got pretty much everything.