CarrionCrow: Just got the big reveal, and it's what I already figured it to be less than one single hour into a I've lost fucking count because this fucking game has put me to sleep so many times my game time log's worthless
fucking SLOG. -bangs head against desk-
Poor Crow, sorry to hear about your frustration. Hope the next game you play gives you just as much joy. <laughing>
Anyone following the tale of
9MOTHER9HORSE9EYES9? Wonder if someone will try to create a game out of it...
From [url= Guardian]The Guardian[/url]: "Two weeks ago, a user who came to be known as “_9MOTHER9HORSE9EYES9” posted a disjointed snippet of text in a comment on Reddit, a site where communities post articles, images, personal stories and more for threaded group discussions.
A Reddit user might chance upon a single one of these posts in one of their ordinary discussion threads, but clicking on the username of _9MOTHER9HORSE9EYES9 would let you view all their posts in aggregate, and there,[url= a compelling science-fiction horror story] a compelling science-fiction horror story[/url] was beginning to emerge, gradually more beautifully and boldly written from multiple narrative perspectives, but with a common mystery."