Posted May 05, 2016

I get what you mean now. But it also sounds like you feel positively about it overall. I'm very glad to see that. =)
But (for the first time) we'll let some professionals handle the heavy lifting. It's just too much stuff, some huge wardrobes among them, and the distance is too great (~220 km). All the previous relocations we did with the help of friends and family, but that's simply not feasible any more.
And all the stress and the amount of work aside, I'm really looking forward to it. I'm looking at my deceased friend's door every time I leave the house, I'm not too happy with my current job (work is fine, but the circumstances...). And of course for my wife it's good to spend the last months near her father and also being able be there to comfort her mother.

I know the region, it has really some beautiful places there. Also I'm looking forward to just leaving the house and having a walk through fields, meadows and wood whenever I feel like it.