AgentBirdnest: Hmm... I'm doing alright. A bit sore from too much bowling on Saturday night, but totally worth it :-p Otherwise, just surviving as usual.
Good Mornight.
Nice to read of you engaging in social activities. Hope you had fun.
omega64: I got 18 games, it was okay. :P
I should replay Fahrenheit.
You hoarder, you.
Yes you should, and you should play it in the loo as well for when the inevitable explosive diarrhea happens.
Or not, your own choice.
FearfulSymmetry: Yeah, I bought nothing. Which is probably for the best. Might end up grabbing Kathy Rain instead.
Probably for the best, better buy a single game, even if it's a bit more expensive. But you'll be more invested in it than in a bunch of oldies but goodies that will simply sit in your backlog.
I just renewed my live membership for a month (Because of one buck).
Now that I can play Dark Souls 2 online again. The bloodstains are everywhere.
And I do mean
everywhere. You can't take two steps without stepping on someone's gruesome death.
Yezemin: It was a little bit of both, actually.
So you enjoyed the journey, but the destination was a clusterfuck of nonsensical bullshit morosely cobbled together and ultimately disappointing?