moonshineshadow: *laughing hug* Well I'm currently in level 27 I think :D
AgentBirdnest: I think that is around where I left off before I lost my saves... It was 20-something. I will probably be there again by tomorrow :-p
What about Cultures?
I'm pretty sure you have played Pharaoh + Cleopatra, correct? I faintly remember you recommending either that or Zeus + Poseidon to me :-p
Well, good luck, I hope you don't get stuck :D
Cultures is another game that I haven't finished yet. "Problem" is that I'm in a level that needs a lot of fighting. And building an armee is so slow in that game.
And yeah, I played Pharao. But while I like the Egypt setting better, the one I'm always recommending is Zeus+Poseidon since the game mechanics improved and it is therefore even more fun it my opinion.
moonshineshadow: *big energising hug* Well be careful that not some of them turn out to be really robots that'll kill you ;-)
EndreWhiteMane: It was just the trailer that put me off, not gonna buy it. Why is it that now we have 64 bit computers and 8 bit games? :-)
Don't ask me, I'm often wondering the same :D