superstande: the beach boys - great all-american music!
AgentBirdnest: Definitely one of my top 34 favourite bands about boys on a beach :-p
Also, one of my favourite bands of all time. They are great :-D
Yeah, Jackie Chan is a fan too ;) ... at least, according to Rush Hour :)
So they must be... talented :P
No really, lovely stuff.
Also my wife loves Jackie - just recently watched Drunken style kung-fu movie - so Jackie must be... really wise ;)
From the promo: I'd go with Dragon Wars. But Freespace 2 should be awesome too (haven't played either)
Might go for the indie gala surf bundle today and see if I feel like shopping more later.
pimpmonkey2382.313: *hugs everyone*
*hugs pimp vader*
akhliber: Hello, folks! I hope you're all doing as well as possible today. I'm about to take the pup out back for a bit of play, just wanted to say hi and to send some love.
*big hugs and waves all around*
heya, fellow baldursgater! ;) - just made it to chapter 2.
*hugs and waves*