EndreWhiteMane: Dear Fred; I am fine today and I hope you are fine too.
Toto got a grooming today and Arnold Ziffle says hello.
Had waffles for breakfast and the day has been far out.
Have to go now and watch all the pretty colors that look like Sigourney Weaver.
Stay groovy.
Endre the Stoned Viking. :-)
Hey Endre - i don't understand everything but i'm glad that you're doing fine :)
ddickinson: Bland AAA games? Sure, don't forget the poor optimisation DLC. :-)
It is more the principle behind it. We all get punished with regional pricing under the promise of AAA titles, instead we get a few more indie titles and lots of games, even old games, abusing regional pricing. It seems like just another way to screw over gamers. Unless you live in Russia of course, then you get rewarded for pirating games by getting them very cheap. :-)
Glad to hear it. I am doing quite terrible at the moment with my migraines and muscle/nerve stuff, but nothing to worry about. I think everything is just catching up to me what with all the extra problems and stress and things.
How could i forget that ;)
Seems like it but then again GOG provides some kind of compensation with the store credit from their own pockets...we'll get some AAA games.....soon™
It's definitely a problem in Russia....it's similar with movies there too...selling the games cheap is probably the only way to make money. But surely is unfair compared to other Eastern Middle European or Eastern European countries with similar or even lower average income per capita...
Thank you....oh i'm sorry to hear that. I hope it'll get better in no time :)
Alright. I think i'm going to sleep now. Was great chatting with you - as always. I wish you and everyone else a good night *big good night hugs and waves*