I think I will be calling it a night and try to get some sleep as I am (hopefully) at work in the morning. Take care, everyone. Have a nice rest of the day and have a good night.
*goodnight hugs and tired waves*
ElTerprise: No problem :)
That is the Kyffhäuser legend with Barbarossa being king-in-the-mountain waiting to return in the most desperate time... but i also read that it's not always supposed to be Barbarossa - until the 16th century the legends were sometimes mentioning Frederick II, the grand-son of Barbarossa. [/history nerd] :D
That kind of legend is quite common, with similar versions all over Europe, and the world in general. One such legend from England is about King Arthur, although that is more myth based as Frederick Barbarossa was real, whereas evidence to support a real life King Arthur is mainly speculation, although there are some nice pieces of evidence that are compelling, there is none that can be used with any kind of certainty or fact.
Goodnight, ELT. *goodnight hug*