EndreWhiteMane: Look ElT, a new pirate game. With a giant shark!
https://www.gog.com/game/man_o_war_corsair Actually looks horrible from what I see. :-)
I can almost feel how disappointed I'd be if I bought it.
Maybe I'd try it at 92% off, but not 10%. I mean... what is it? There is not really a lot of info here. Do you control the boat? Is there a story? Quests? Levels? Based on everything I see here - it looks like is a sandbox-type game, but I dunno.
And it doesn't help that it looks like the character is being controlled by an actual wooden ship's wheel :-p
I know it's just alpha (alpha-as-pluck) but they could have made the cannons sound like they are firing something more powerful than popsicle sticks in the trailer.
And now that I've thrown out a bunch of insults and negatives... I would
love to shoot that majestic shark in the face :-)