CarrionCrow: Realms is one I've been putting off for way too long. Besides just that, my favorite Let's Player actually started doing a full run of the game, so I want to beat it. Then I can watch the video series without ruining the game for myself.
Yeah, Pillars will be fine, I'm sure. It's just going to take a long time to beat.
That sounds like a good plan. I am not sure what I think of the game, I think I got it during a sale as it looked like a nice classic old game. I am sure I will get around to it sometime.
And then after you finish the base game there is all the DLC to look forward to. :-)
ElTerprise: Yes. That might be a reason. Either due to lack of experience or lack of money....
Most likely, although I am sure they will say that is the artistic style they were going for. :-)
omega64: I do not, there is some different dialogue, but everything you do is still pretty much the same.
I wonder why they decided to charge so much, but then I remember that Gone Home was a similar price and even shorter without the lovely visuals.
Ixamyakxim: Are you talking about the current game KIM? That perspective caught my attention too. I really do like the idea and look of it, but from a gameplay point of view my first thought it "Wow, that looks like it might be hard to play for an extended period of time."
For small, "tight" levels (like in the other newish games here like Masterplan and Door Kickers) that seems fine but I have a hard time thinking that would be "comfortable" to play.
Yes, that is the game. For games like Door Kickers I can understand the view, as you need a birds eye view to plan things, but for this new game I think a more isometric look would suit it better.