toxicTom: *hugs and waves* to all the nice people here.
Don't know what to write, really. Just that I'm still here and alive ;-)
... It really brings tears to my eyes to think that out there in the great big world there are people who I've never even met in person and who still care.
When you look at the news and stuff the overall impression is that the world is for the most part a cold and cruel place. But things like this make me feel it isn't so, at least not only. ...
Of course, we are all glad you are still here and surviving the day to day... :)
Keep in mind, that the "News" is no longer news by journalism, in any of our Countries. It is corporate controlled, and owned by the few wealthiest favored families of the world, who want us all to believe the world is a cold hard place, so we won't rise up and stop them from stealing the wealth of our nations (through privatization schemes), or feel that our Countries and our Cultures aren't worth fighting for.
There are still independent journalists out there trying to inform us of what's really going on. And it isn't all good news overall, but there are millions of people rising up, across the globe, protesting the corruption in our politics and private business, especially banking/finance that is the cancer of our modern world. So the news isn't all bad either.
If you want to be informed, you just have to seek out the real journalists. You won't find them in the major corporate controlled "News". so don't bother yourself with these propaganda machines meant to mislead us into despair...
EndreWhiteMane: Morning Ghost, good to see you.
Morning Endre!
'tis good to see you and be here too!
I've been a bit busy with other things as of late... the life outside of the Forum,
though I can say, the GoG Forum is a real reflection of the world and those of us
in it, while it turns, a kind, and goodly reflection at that... :)