Posted April 04, 2016

Registered: May 2013
From France

Something good
Registered: Apr 2012
From Netherlands
Posted April 04, 2016

How are your studies going?

Hand of Fate seems really fun.
Did any catch you eye?

Nothing for me, I just had a quick look, but there is nothing that jumps out at me.
Even has Multiplayer, though I've had the chance to try it.

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted April 04, 2016

I hope your week is off to a nice start? Yesterday was quite draining and very exhausting, so I think I will stick to just lurking and chat for a day or so. The volunteering went really well, and it was most definitely worth it and some of the ladies seemed to really appreciate it all. But those kind of places always destroys my mood for a few days as I see lots of things that that show the bad side of people a little too much and it just makes me so sad at how unfortunate some people are and how such lovely people have suffered through no fault of their own.
Anyway, I hope you are all doing well and that the week will treat you all nicely.
*hugs and waves*
I'm losing track of time...
Glad your volunteering went well, even if it put you in a weird mood... hopefully the sad feelings will pass soon.
**Big hugs**

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted April 04, 2016

How are your studies going?
And with that I bid you adieu. Since I have class in 45 minutes and I have yet to have lunch.
See you guys in 8 hours.

Something good
Registered: Apr 2012
From Netherlands
Posted April 04, 2016

How are your studies going?

And with that I bid you adieu. Since I have class in 45 minutes and I have yet to have lunch.
See you guys in 8 hours.

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted April 04, 2016

Even has Multiplayer, though I've had the chance to try it.

I'm losing track of time...
Glad your volunteering went well, even if it put you in a weird mood... hopefully the sad feelings will pass soon.
**Big hugs**
I will be okay, this normally happens after such an emotional day. I will be feeling much better soon, no need to worry.
How is your day? I hope mean Mr Monday is not being too hard on you?
*big Monday hug*

Registered: Jan 2012
From Finland
Posted April 04, 2016

hehe... Well... Come to think of it... The spring sale should wait at least a week or so, at least :)
But I would love to see lots of colourful boxes on the main page - and lots of old games :)

That sounds perfect! :)
Only problem is the backlog is getting ridicilous. But it's fun in the way that sometimes I remember a game I've bought and never tried, and it's kind of a happy thing to know I still have many good games to play :)
edit: yeah this is going well... I go to sleep and Crow replies. I get up, work, and come back and reply and Crow is sleeping ;)
Post edited April 04, 2016 by superstande

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted April 04, 2016
Those reviews for the new Baldur's Gate game are interesting. Who had the bright idea of adding political views into a game set in a fantasy realm. It is getting really tiring to see so many games ruined by this propaganda pushing. Especially as they do it under the banner of equality, but they don't want equality, they want their way over all others, which just ruins things for those who are truly after equal treatment. Apparently the developers have asked their fans to leave good reviews to counter the bad ones, and insulted all those laving bad reviews by calling them bigots. What professional behaviour from a "progressive" company.
j0ekerr: They're going, though I'm not entirely sure where.
And with that I bid you adieu. Since I have class in 45 minutes and I have yet to have lunch.
See you guys in 8 hours. Have a nice day, a nice lunch, and hopefully some nice lessons.
I think I will be passing on the game. It looks like a nice game, and from what I see it has some good reviews, but I don't think it is for me.

And with that I bid you adieu. Since I have class in 45 minutes and I have yet to have lunch.
See you guys in 8 hours.
I think I will be passing on the game. It looks like a nice game, and from what I see it has some good reviews, but I don't think it is for me.
Post edited April 04, 2016 by ddickinson

Something good
Registered: Apr 2012
From Netherlands
Posted April 04, 2016

And with that I bid you adieu. Since I have class in 45 minutes and I have yet to have lunch.
See you guys in 8 hours.

Even has Multiplayer, though I've had the chance to try it.

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom

Something good
Registered: Apr 2012
From Netherlands
Posted April 04, 2016

I should probably get back to it... someday.

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany
Posted April 04, 2016
Many, many thanks for all the supportive posts. *Big hugs (and waves for those not-huggers)" to all of you.
Called in sick today and for the coming week. After the weekend, when I just... worked it's finally getting to me, the realization I mean. I've been able to cry finally and probably will a lot more too.
I think until last night I still was in a condition of shock. I felt numb and stupid, and still do some. But now a deep sadness and feeling of desparation slowly creeps in, that's probably progress. Also the flashbacks of how we found him now cause a physical reaction of sickness. When I was there I found it incredible that I didn't feel the need to puke.
I'll now care some for wife and kids. We'll try to get a mother-children-cure for them. Hope that works out, the insurance can be a little reluctant. But maybe they see that this will be cheaper than a prolonged psychotherapy. Also my wife is getting her heart checked thoroughly since we saw on the test results from the ER of the night sat/sun that some of the values were not really good.
Tomorrow the parents of my friend will come to the city to take care of his belongings and the other stuff. I'll probably meet them since I know them some (unless they want to left alone).
Called in sick today and for the coming week. After the weekend, when I just... worked it's finally getting to me, the realization I mean. I've been able to cry finally and probably will a lot more too.
I think until last night I still was in a condition of shock. I felt numb and stupid, and still do some. But now a deep sadness and feeling of desparation slowly creeps in, that's probably progress. Also the flashbacks of how we found him now cause a physical reaction of sickness. When I was there I found it incredible that I didn't feel the need to puke.
I'll now care some for wife and kids. We'll try to get a mother-children-cure for them. Hope that works out, the insurance can be a little reluctant. But maybe they see that this will be cheaper than a prolonged psychotherapy. Also my wife is getting her heart checked thoroughly since we saw on the test results from the ER of the night sat/sun that some of the values were not really good.
Tomorrow the parents of my friend will come to the city to take care of his belongings and the other stuff. I'll probably meet them since I know them some (unless they want to left alone).

Something good
Registered: Apr 2012
From Netherlands
Posted April 04, 2016

I think until last night I still was in a condition of shock. I felt numb and stupid, and still do some. But now a deep sadness and feeling of desparation slowly creeps in, that's probably progress. Also the flashbacks of how we found him now cause a physical reaction of sickness. When I was there I found it incredible that I didn't feel the need to puke.

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted April 04, 2016

Called in sick today and for the coming week. After the weekend, when I just... worked it's finally getting to me, the realization I mean. I've been able to cry finally and probably will a lot more too.
I think until last night I still was in a condition of shock. I felt numb and stupid, and still do some. But now a deep sadness and feeling of desparation slowly creeps in, that's probably progress. Also the flashbacks of how we found him now cause a physical reaction of sickness. When I was there I found it incredible that I didn't feel the need to puke.
I'll now care some for wife and kids. We'll try to get a mother-children-cure for them. Hope that works out, the insurance can be a little reluctant. But maybe they see that this will be cheaper than a prolonged psychotherapy. Also my wife is getting her heart checked thoroughly since we saw on the test results from the ER of the night sat/sun that some of the values were not really good.
Tomorrow the parents of my friend will come to the city to take care of his belongings and the other stuff. I'll probably meet them since I know them some (unless they want to left alone).
Sadly those flashbacks will probably be with you for some time. Seeing those kind of things are very hard to put to the back of your mind. I say that over forget as you never forget them, I know I never have been able to, especially for a couple of them. But you do grow stronger and become able to deal with those flashbacks and memories. You might find that after the funeral of your friend, that your mind begins to calm down as you come to accept what has been happening. It is good that you are now expressing your self more by crying, you were most likely in shock at the start, and you might even still be in shock. You have been through a very big thing, and what with everything else you are all going through you are bound to be finding things confusing. But remember to take things easy, and to take care of yourself and your wellbeing as well as those of your family. Be there for each other all you can. I hope everything will be okay with your wife's health, I am sure having you there to support her means so much to her and your kids.
My chat is always there for you, and this thread is here for you as well. And as omega said, if you feel you need to talk to someone on a more professional level, then do so if you feel it will help.
*more big hugs*
Post edited April 04, 2016 by ddickinson