j0ekerr: Good mornight!
I've decided to start greeting every post I make before noon with that. Since a good chunk of Freddites are currently asleep or torturing themselves with bad games on caffeine fueled benders.
Anyways I must decide what to spend "mah greens" (actually more like red and blues) Help me people of Fred you're my only hope.
(Technically a filthy lie, but that'll be our dirty little secret, along wiith our browser's history/ies (does history have a plural?))
X-Com would be great, if it weren't for the goat-puke-toppings. The funny part, it's actually cheaper to get the whole pack than the parts I like.
And I dunno if I want the EE versions. Native widescreen support is great and all, but you could get those with mods.
X-COM... look into my eyes... X-COM, you want to get X-COM! The whole bundle! Even though the last one stinks. XXXXXXX_-COM!