Vissavald: Well, are there in modern game industry any more ideas besides reselling the old ideas?
What a silly question to ask.
Of course there are. New games are released all the time. If you haven't noticed that, you're simply not paying attention.
On the other hand, you're at "GoG..." which is short for "Good Old Games." It's a site created to focus, primarily, on updating, fixing, and selling older games in a way that allows them to be run on modern systems.
To complain about "old games" being released... ON GOG... is pretty much the definition of insanity, I think.
Personally, I want, very much, to be able to play my older games. However, Microsoft, etc, have worked... in some cases, quite hard... to ensure that, rather than being able to play games we already own, we have to buy new games.
I've been able to figure out how to play some older stuff on my own... stuff that "technically" can't run on newer OS's. Then again, I'm also one of those people who figured out the cheap trick used to prevent "Doom 3" and "Thief 3" (aka "Deadly Shadows") from running on Win98, and was able to make them both run on that system (hint... it was "icon resource" element, hard-coded into the EXE, which did this, in both cases! Yep... the ICON embedded into the EXE was the only thing... it was an icon defined at a higher resolution than Win9x allowed. Two hex characters altered, and a separate Icon file assigned to the game in the OS... and both games worked flawlessly in the "ancient" OS.
Why play older stuff? Well, first off... not "all older stuff." There has been a lot of "chaff" put out over the years, much of which I have literally zero interest in replaying.
But those things which I enjoyed, when they came out... which had great gameplay, great storytelling, great experiences in general... THOSE I want to be able to play again, if I want to.
The "why old stuff" argument is ludicrous. Nobody complains that reading Shakespeare's stuff is "stoopid" because it's not new. Nobody complains that the Mona Lisa sucks because it's not new. Nobody (at least nobody in their right mind) suggests that "The Maltese Falcon" is too old to be enjoyed, and should be remade with Zack Galafa-whats-his-name starring.
I'm sorry... art retains its value.
But... in some cases, the art was hobbled by, at the time, technical limitations. Limitations which no longer exist.
So... we get "remastered" versions of a variety of games. The same content... the same story... but made able to be run today, without the artifacts of the older HARDWARE limitations.
You can play Duke Nukem 3D in glorious HD. You can play Doom (the original) with full 3D rendering and real 3D models. The game remains the same, but the presentation is improved.
There are games I'd KILL (figuratively speaking) to get in a "modernized" state. Imagine the original "X-Wing" and "TIE Fighter" games, but played from inside of a photorealistic, fully 3D, VR cockpit. (And yes, with a return to the wonderful, and now lost, "iMuse" type music... rather than pre-recorded, music which ADAPTS to what's happening, on the fly.)
You could give up the old, pixelated 2D interface... the colored polygon models... but keep the gameplay and story essentially unchanged. As we remember it, not as it was (due to technological limitations).
"Old" is not synonymous with "worthless." In fact, the "old' stuff which is regularly getting remade and updated is the stuff which has borne the test of time.
Crosmando: I don't mean to be a "graphics whore" here, but for a remaster the graphics are quite unimpressive when compared to the original.
How so? At first blush, the graphics seemed to be identical to me. I had to look more closely to notice the much higher polygon counts, clearer texturing, etc.
Are you under the impression that the original is BETTER? Or just that the update isn't a major one as you see it?