Pangaea666: That's not his solution at all. He wants more democratic control over decision making, and he most certainly wouldn't want even more power to corporations. I've no idea how it's possible to draw that conclusion from reading Chomsky's work, assuming you guys have even done that.
I would agree he is stronger on identifying the issues rather than on proposals for a cure, however. But then he's not really proposing too much either, so that is natural. He wants people themselves to take more action, know more, become part of the decision making. That's a solution in itself, but certainly not something easy to achieve over night, nor would it be easy given the unequal distribution of power and hatred of democracy among people with (lots of) power.
Can only re-emphasise that people interested in Chomsky should read his work themselves, with an open mind.
There is still serious issue with that like the fact that democracy is basically rule of the active voting majority and the troubles with people are...
1) They are more competent when it comes to personal and local matters but not necessarily national especially big countries like the US
2) People are heavily divided into communities, ethnicities, cultures, and upbringings which makes it harder for people to agree on things and to come together under one "umbrella"
3) Many people are not properly informed on certain matters and follow certain narratives based upon a series of assumptions
Then there is the fact that the active voting majority is not always right. Under "democracy," we would have to excuse gangrape because the majority of the people involved thought it was good.
infinite9: It is his whole... public-private partnerships" that led to a Monsanto executive getting put into food safety at the FDA, a big telecom executive getting put in a high seat of power at the FCC, and more mining interests buddying up with politicians to use the Bureau of Land Management to chase ranchers, farmers, and homesteaders from their lands.
...he deserves to get tossed out of helicopter over the ocean
xSinghx: This is just complete nonsense as well. I would believe you listen to Alex Jones or Rush Limbaugh before I could ever imagine you doing the work of picking up a book to read anything Chomsky has ever written. Further your fascist streak is showing when you openly advocate killing someone simply because you disagree with their position - positions you seem in complete ignorance of.
The jokes on you. I don't normally listen to radio although I have read some transcripts of Rush Limbaugh's comments especially when he made fun of the transgender movement by "identifying" as skinny and I refuse to take Alex Jones seriously since he comes across as a conspiracy hustler.
As for killing Chomsky, the reason I wish for him to become shark food has nothing to do with simple disagreement but the fact that he poisons people's minds. There are people who act as if he is some kind of prophet and will vote and act in ways that will cause quite a bit of harm to a widespread of arguably innocent people and future generations to make his vision reality. Among such actions include electing worse politicians into office who will then use the state to attack anyone that comes across as "right wing" as well as finish off entrepreneurial capitalism with high taxes that will crush anyone who does not get corporate tax protections.
Also, funny how Chomsky believes corporations should not exist since it would mean that labor unions and incorporated charities would not exist. Labor union are technically corporations and are registered as non-profit corporations in the United States and charities are often incorporated in order to limit liabilities for donors and employees in case someone does something crooked with donations. Many people often forget that the word corporation does not have to mean "business" corporations like Microsoft, Apple, or Boeing.