Ok... this time I'll reply like you, maybe that will help with understanding each other... I don't like this mode of forum posting. It helps us lose the overall point and get lost in minutiae that's irrelevant. IMO.
jamotide: No, yours is thourough, his is random and incoherent.
Thanks again then.
I disagree because I don't value that highly my thoroughness via verbosity and capablity for Chomsky like volume of facts.
I appreciate thoroughness through synthesis and succintness much more - that's how I would characterize the SSC material in this specific instance.
jamotide: So you saying Chomsky is satire was just satire? Satirizing what exactly, right wing loons?
Yes. No, I was satirizing Chomsky and implicitly Mr.D.
jamotide: lol.. that review is about the actual content of Manufacting consent, it being a review of it, you know...or is this satire again?
Not satire now. My linking to that review does not constitute endorsement of the whole of it. I recall explicitly mentioning that I was linking it as an example of Chomsky's methodological issues. As you might have guessed the Laos example was part of what I had in mind then.
I never mentioned explicitly any thesis on media bias until now. So I will say as a kind of disclaimer that my opinion on media bias can be inferred fairly easily from my position in numerous discussions in other threads. Suffice to say I do not have a good opinion of journalistic media overall. Ironically, I am in agreeement with Chomsky on that. Which also happens to (coincidentally) be the opinion of the SSC reviewer. And I assume yours. Consensus. But all that is a tangent, because:
I never mentioned media bias until
now. And please don't take me literally. Of course I quoted you, because
you did bring it up.
jamotide: All these are important, what matters is that only those favourable to US policy were being reported. That is the whole point of the book.
No dispute it's all important - to someone, somewhere. But to be blunt, for reasons I have made apparent, I don't give a fuck about any of Chomsky's books. Even if he stumbles upon the truth, the way he got to the truth is hugely suspicious. I find him a biased partisan hack. His methodological issues are abundant IMO.
jamotide: So what if he is one sided? No one claimed that he is some sort of impartial historian. Everyones got a side. Also that is not satire, it is just you being a dick.
I happen to think impartiality and objectivy are the better ways to get to the truth. You do your best to put the side you have to the side (pun intended), rather than embracing it. Because confirmation bias, and bunch of other shit that is well understood psychologically and affects science - especialy social science. If you get to the truth by always looking left or right your chances of making errors increase hugely. Also, I never denied being a dick. It's not some either / or choice. I'm both satirical and a dick. I'd even say being satirical requires being a dick of sorts.
jamotide: What do you mean STILL wonder, disingenuous about what??
I explained further on.
I will now remind you I'm typing this as I go along. Since things are about to get "personal" I expect emotions to amp up. So let me state the following. Up to now, I've been 50/50 undecided whether you are being disingenous, or authentic.
At his point, I am maybe more 70/30 leaning towards you being authentic, just too literalminded. Certainly your opinion on the kind of critique you prefer, your having needed me to explain what the point of the satire was... all evidence to that. But you know... maybe you are just a very good troll... so there is still the 30% chance... of course all percentages are just my subjective interpretations. I make no claim to knowing the truth about your character - this is me detailing my perception of you. You might know the truth about yourself of course.
jamotide: huh? So? I got that. How is this relevant to anything?
It's relevant because personal attacks and conveniently forgetting what you've been told already is evidence that you might be a troll. Or that you are so literalminded you don't care about the emotional aspect of the communication you're having.
jamotide: Nope, a strawman has to be something unrelated, ...snip Also a strawman has to be a placeholder for the actual argument, and asking you about other Chomsky views is not that. ... snip
You didn't ask me about other Chomsky views. Do you really think you did? Please quote yourself on that...
You assumed I would have no issue with Chomsky's methods if I agreed with his views, like on Turkey and Stalin. Because you don't know and did't ask my views, those assumptions you did are unrelated. Unrelated to the truth - they are straw. They are unrelated to the true me. They are a strawman me - that you made up and started arguing with instead of arguing with me.
And again. Let me make a related point (related therefore not a strawman). It's not just the factual issue here, that you probably make factual mistakes by employing strawmen arguments. It's the emotional angle: you are ignoring, dismissing, disenfranchising, dehumanizing the real me. Yes, that is rhetorical hyperbole. Because I need some mechanism to express the emotional weight of this which I suspect you don't get AT ALL.
And again. I noted the personal insult. So I'm a kind of fake cry baby now... Classy mate... very classy... how old are you again? Yes, jamotide. I can also be insulting and condescending and imply you're a child - emotionally, intellectually... whatever you want to read into that. As mentioned higher. I never said I was not a dick. But are you even aware how much of a dick you are / or are appearing to be?
I just went from 70/30 to 60/40 by the way...
jamotide: lol how is that a strawman wtf
Didn't even bother to reread for context. I can revisit this if you want me to since I went into strawmen just now above.
jamotide: As shown above, your premises are flawed, therefor this conclusion is invalid.
The premises are not flawed and the conclusion might be invalid IF you are honestly expressing that you believe the premises to be flawed. As represented I assign a 40% chance you are lying to my face about it.
jamotide: Dude, you are getting way ahead of yourself quickly, I recommend more thinking before writing this stuff^^
Maybe. Funny how often I use this word (and might, and seems, and assume...) whereas you seem so sure of yourself. Are you often found by others to be arrogant jamotide?
I've been honest that I am not certain of your motivation here. But if anything I am thinking too much about this, not too little.
Consider this. Here I am and I made an exhaustive well documented case for how Chomsky is likely misrepresenting some shit about Laos. Then here I go and apply same methodology to your interactions with me. Explaining why I think what I think as I go along. You seem to appreciate the first one, but disagree with the second. Are you sure that you aren't just letting your dislike of my conclusions color your dislike of my approach? That would be ironic, since you assumed (as a strawman) that I would do that with Chomsky, but in the reverse order - that liking his conclusions would make me like his methods.
jamotide: Your logic is fail m8.
Because it's not my logic. I'm representing what I assume to have been the logic of the gentleman that posted about me (I assume) as being neocon.
This is satirical. I am making fun of the fact that by that logic Hillary Clinton is a neocon. Maybe Obama too. It's a reduction to absurd argument of sorts. But a good one and funny. Because as far as Chomsky for example is concerned, someone like Hillary Clinton probably is similar to a neocon. That's how far to the left the man is.
Hmmm emotions did not
seem to amp up that much. Interesting
fact that.
Ok. Here goes nothing. (Star Wars reference.)
I have aspie family jamo. You are reminding me of them very much.
If I'm right, you will probably react constructively. This is a fact to be acknowledged and the whole post I did was logical and mostly clean of emotional subtleties - or rather I expressed them literally - so we might actually make progress in reaching understanding.
If I'm wrong, you will probably react not constructively. You might assume I am insulting you: I'm not. But if I'm wrong and you're not on the spectrum, then chances you are and were trolling me will jump from 40 to 70 or higher. Basically I will start assuming you have been trolling me and likely stop replying.
Your move. Let's see if you prove one of my hypothesis...