jamotide: Why don't you be more specific instead of trying to be funny? What exactly bothers you about his writing about Cambodia and Serbia?
You think I was not clear? And you think I'm mostly trying to be funny? The funny is just to sweeten my actual points... He is an ideological propagandist though and through, not just on Cambodja and Serbia. I could respect that if I thought he was honest... but I don't. I think he consciously chooses to misrepresent the historical truth, making him a terrible historian. Yet a brilliant propagandist.
If you are really interested in substantial discussion about Chomsky, please read the link I provided to the review of Manufacturing Consent. Despite what I'm going to say next it's a sympathetic - if critical - review and you clearly have the patience to read - proven because you read Chomsky... boy is the man's prose exhaustive...
Anyway notice the clear example of what Chomsky does not mention in relation to Laos. And the overall trend of apparent lack of self-awareness of his own biases. Similar critiques of his approach to sources and factual truth are all too common and well documented. Cherry picking basically. IMO he does it on purpose and consciously. Ergo, he is a political activist masquerading as something more objective, in tone and methodology.
As should be obvious if you know me in the least, that's an approach to methodology I despise. It puts the ends before the means and in science - including social ones like history - that's corrosive and perverts truth. He's a proto SJW basically, in my conception of what the term means - ergo he is a radical activist for whom objective truth is merely a tool.
Now, by the way, I need to shift to the personal somewhat. Despite my finding what I did in this thread somewhat funny, in a TinyE "let's derail anything serious" way - please don't assume I think I'm pure as snow doing it - I know very well my dislike of some is why I took the condescending satirical tone I did, so my self-awareness is still in place.
Though honestly, I don't really feel that sorry for Mr. D. so I don't also feel that much impure. I mean notice how quickly he came down to wanting to force the thread to cater to his whim - which means, kicking me out of it basically - dissenting views not welcome. How "rauss, rauss" of him... That's not all caused by me wearing a provocative outfit surely, and anyone thinking so is deluded. I think Mr. D is being somewhat disingenuous. He wanted an echo chamber, as in other threads he opened in the past - like the one making fun of Limbaugh. I gave him a taste of his own ridicule medicine - seems it was somewhat bitter in taste.
Anyway, I argued about Chomsky for at least 20 years, with close, childhood, friends who happen to be communists and anti-American ideologues. I have no issue doing so respectfully and honestly, did it throughout the Iraq War and 9/11 even - and I know you enough from other threads that I would do so with you - despite presuming strong and deep ideological disagreements. So if you want, follow my lead, by which I mean, follow my links, and tell me what more you want from me. I'll do my best.