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As we step into the month of June, we wanted to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate something very important: Pride Month.

Pride Month serves as a reminder of the progress we have made towards creating a more equitable and inclusive society, as well as the work that still lies ahead. It’s an opportunity for us to reflect on the importance of celebrating and embracing the diverse identities and experiences that enrich our lives with different perspectives. At GOG, we firmly believe that diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords, but fundamental principles that drive innovation, foster collaboration, and enable us to simply grow as people, as well.

To celebrate Pride Month, our queer team members selected the variety of games containing LGBTQAI+ themes and characters, all available on GOG. Inclusive environments and diverse characters create a safe space to have fun and express yourself for all kinds of gamers!

This time, we decided to choose a slightly different approach, to make browsing LGBTQAI+ games much easier; instead of just one collection, we created a whole page and divided it into categories.

Among such, we’ve created a list of games containing masculine romance representation – we’ve gathered all the games we could think of that include romance representation between male characters. Whether it’s Kerry Eurodyne in Cyberpunk 2077, Kim Kitsuragi in Disco Elysium, or Nailsmith in Hollow Knight, we tried our best to get them all! If you have any other recommendations that slipped our attention though, feel free to share them with us.

Another category you’ll notice is, of course, a set of games containing female romance representation. Through the emotional story of Unpacking, walking alongside protagonists of Life is Strange, getting to know Undyne in Undertale, and even more – we’re sure they’ll all steal your hearts!

In Choose-Your-Gender category, we’ve gathered games that allow you to play around and choose your gender representation in the virtual world freely. It’s a great way to explore your own identity, as well as try to put yourself in other people’s shoes – all while being in the safety of your own game, NPCs, without an ounce of worry about judgement.

Last but not least, we’re proud to present a list of games featuring transgender characters. Representation of trans people in video games is just as important as in any other media – and we couldn’t be happier to see the number of them slowly growing. Meet Claire ( Cyberpunk 2077), Sam ( Normal Lost Phone), Jackie ( Night in the Woods), and many more!

Let’s celebrate Pride Month – and together, make love last forever!
Lodium: This is false
theres no extensive studies that proves what you claim regarding gender afirming care
a sweedish study shows quite the oppisite

Theres also the fact that statitics shoud show there was even more increased rates of suicide
before alot of these modern methods of care got implemented
It does not show this
Nearly 8000

Here the Swedish study
Their findings suggest lack of social acceptance to be a probable cause
mechmouse: At the time of the first Pride riot, you could be arrested for kissing your gay partner. While you could physically appear in public, "you" that actual person you are couldn't.

I'm not sure what you think Straight people are excluded from?

You're 2nd cousin is lucky he gets to be himself, its lovely just to give your boyfriend a kiss in public and not have to worry about having a rock hurled at you.

But the reason Pride exists is because that does happen, its a shout back saying "we're not going to be bullied into hiding away"

The I shall rephrase

LGBT+ characteristics are not inherently political, they become political through their repression.
LGBT+ People don't want their existence to be political
Lodium: Its pretty normal to not be allowed to be oneself
Bullying has been a thing of human nature for decades
so the
arent special in that regard

Shoud we also have fat month, glasses month, hairstyle month etc because these people are also beeing repressed?
Are are of those groups being killed for their conditions? No, then take your hyperbole elsewhere.
MarkoH01: Okay, let's just forget that basically EVERY poll is against the change of the German language and call it "politics" instead. I am all for inclusion and I never had any prejudices in my life but I'd prefer people to ACT including rather than changing a language for whatever reason. I simply love the German language the way I learned it in school.
As someone with a university degree in German and English linguistics and literature, I would have a lot to say to this statement as well, none of which would strictly speaking delve into the 'political', but all of which would address prevalent, millenia old and very incorrect notions about language. Mostly the idea that language is this rigid and unchanging skeleton of fixed grammar and vocabulary that must not respond to societal changes in any way.

But the only thing I'd like to say at this moment is that I can not talk about my sibling with yesterday's version of the German language, so I'll take a listen to what the fine non-binary folks suggest and will do my darndest to normalize the fuck out of what they think of as respectful. That's simply my reality. I have no choice to make. There's this new lexical gap in our language, it's huge in the everyday conversations I have, I have no constructive suggestion how to fill this gap, so I use the words devised by others. Either that or never talk to or about my sibling any more. Shrug dot gif.

If I can't influence others to pick up those grammatical forms, fine. I won't force anybody! But my family already uses them, my closest friends already started, and my people at work have made a surprising effort, just for my sake, so I guess these forms will be normalized in certain small circles regardless of conservative boo-hoos or the super representative polls on the Döpfner-Poschardt peninsula of the internet. Even our half Costa Rican employee has picked up on these new pronouns, which makes me really happy. At the core of it, these new grammatical forms won't be relevant and won't be forced on anybody without direct or at least indirect contact to a non-binary person, so you likely won't "have" to learn or use them anyway, unless of course the state pays your salary or your paying audience turns out to be diverse.

I'm completely with you on the virtual novel 'pedo' issue, by the way. And I guess you'd think very differently if a person close to you told you they were non-binary. These are two issues both about a very elementary form of respect, of being treated like a person, and of overcoming prejudice.
Post edited June 08, 2023 by Vainamoinen
my name is catte: Keep it up GOG, eventually the haters will show themselves out.
TakesReign: People are here primarily for the games I expect as opposed to GOG's stance on that otherwise. Nobody is going to show themselves out and away from their game library due to an annual exceptional notice of one group or another for those within being who they are.
Well they keep threatening to leave. But if they don't, all it does is show their lack of conviction. They love to say "get woke, go broke" but it rarely seems to manifest.
Lodium: This is false
theres no extensive studies that proves what you claim regarding gender afirming care
a sweedish study shows quite the oppisite

Theres also the fact that statitics shoud show there was even more increased rates of suicide
before alot of these modern methods of care got implemented
It does not show this
mechmouse: Nearly 8000

Here the Swedish study
Their findings suggest lack of social acceptance to be a probable cause
The statestics shoud show there are increased rates suicide before the modern care got implemented
it does not show this
I don't want sound, as they call it, 'prejudiced', but, the ESG policies many companies are following nowdays are going to destroy companies productivity in the next few years.

By that I don't mean that diverse people can't produce and make profit, no, as someone might call this out and accuse me of doing so just as a mean to attack me for saying that and disagreeing with this.

I mean that forcing any company to follow a set of rules regardless of the proven profit those rules may or may not give in an arbritrary way in the long term will just prove to not work with the companies that follow said arbritary rules. And this may happen with any company, regardless of producttivity because there are a lot consumers that are tired of agendas being pushed to them.

Before you (you who?: Anyone that just want to attack me for disagreeing with this) attack me for anything, as it is common in heat topics when we disagree with said minorities, be warned that I talk with all kinds of people everyday and they respect me because I respect them, and I have no problem with them as long as they respect me, as it is and as it should be with anyone in a healthy society.

But I just want to open my heart about this here:

I completely disagree with the way GOG is forcing its members to not be able to discuss politicts in the Forums (by the rules of the Forum activity), but force us into political topics when they have the opportunity to.

If you like to make this propaganda, let us share our opinions too about all politic topics in the Forum as a whole and everyone will respect your position doing that, as this is true free speech. But do not force us into topics we do not want to discuss while disallowing us from discussing political topics in the Forums.

I suggest the team to revise your Forum codes and rules to allow true free speech without offenses and agressive behaviour, or stop pushing your own propaganda to us, please. And I ask this politely, as we all, as adults (meaning: mature people), know the real world is complex enough and discussing anything with respect and compassion is appreciated and fruitful/beneficial to everyone.
mechmouse: Nearly 8000

Here the Swedish study
Their findings suggest lack of social acceptance to be a probable cause
Lodium: Again
The statestics shoud show there are increased rates suicide before the modern care got implemented
it does not show this
Not sure what you're saying but it reads like your say suicide rates decreased with more modern care?
SarahGabriella: Are are of those groups being killed for their conditions? No, then take your hyperbole elsewhere.
Lodium: I dont think its a hyperbole to point out that poor people need food and in some cases shelter to survive
and the society
or humans in general treats these people badly and in some caases even bully them
I dont see people go up in arms because some landlord are using questinable methods to evict lower income familys do you?
Sorry I missed when you said that, is it the overweight person being evicted and the guy with glasses that needs food?

You really seam to be living in you own little thread
Post edited June 07, 2023 by mechmouse
Lodium: Again
The statestics shoud show there are increased rates suicide before the modern care got implemented
it does not show this
mechmouse: Not sure what you're saying but it reads like your say suicide rates decreased with more modern care?
Lodium: I dont think its a hyperbole to point out that poor people need food and in some cases shelter to survive
and the society
or humans in general treats these people badly and in some caases even bully them
I dont see people go up in arms because some landlord are using questinable methods to evict lower income familys do you?
mechmouse: Sorry I missed when you said that, is it the overweight person being evicted and the guy with glasses that needs food?

You really seam to be living in you own little thread
The overwigth perswon can get denied on a plane
theres also other situations where discrimination can happen with the excuse its for security reason or the like or simply because the reality of being fat poses a natural hinderance
For example wigth limit on a roof
Post edited June 07, 2023 by Lodium
Pat Headroom: That sounds very tragic. But, I don’t consider that to be healthcare. But, I wonder how many people have complications from these type of surgeries?
That's a worthwhile question. And I think we agree. I don't call it healthcare or support. That's what I was trying to call out.
.Keys: I don't want sound, as they call it, 'prejudiced', but, the ESG policies many companies are following nowdays are going to destroy companies productivity in the next few years.

By that I don't mean that diverse people can't produce and make profit, no, as someone might call this out and accuse me of doing so just as a mean to attack me for saying that and disagreeing with this.

I mean that forcing any company to follow a set of rules regardless of the proven profit those rules may or may not give in an arbritrary way in the long term will just prove to not work with the companies that follow said arbritary rules. And this may happen with any company, regardless of producttivity because there are a lot consumers that are tired of agendas being pushed to them.

Before you (you who?: Anyone that just want to attack me for disagreeing with this) attack me for anything, as it is common in heat topics when we disagree with said minorities, be warned that I talk with all kinds of people everyday and they respect me because I respect them, and I have no problem with them as long as they respect me, as it is and as it should be with anyone in a healthy society.

But I just want to open my heart about this here:

I completely disagree with the way GOG is forcing its members to not be able to discuss politicts in the Forums (by the rules of the Forum activity), but force us into political topics when they have the opportunity to.

If you like to make this propaganda, let us share our opinions too about all politic topics in the Forum as a whole and everyone will respect your position doing that, as this is true free speech. But do not force us into topics we do not want to discuss while disallowing us from discussing political topics in the Forums.

I suggest the team to revise your Forum codes and rules to allow true free speech without offenses and agressive behaviour, or stop pushing your own propaganda to us, please. And I ask this politely, as we all, as adults (meaning: mature people), know the real world is complex enough and discussing anything with respect and compassion is appreciated and fruitful/beneficial to everyone.
LGBT+ Pride month isnt propaganda. Free speech isnt "let everyone say anything they want", free speech is "let good people speak their minds without being harmed for it".
MarkoH01: Okay, let's just forget that basically EVERY poll is against the change of the German language and call it "politics" instead. I am all for inclusion and I never had any prejudices in my life but I'd prefer people to ACT including rather than changing a language for whatever reason. I simply love the German language the way I learned it in school.
Vainamoinen: As someone with a university degree in German and English linguistics and literature, I would have a lot to say to this statement as well, none of which would strictly speaking delve into the 'political', but all of which would address prevalent, millenia old and very incorrect notions about language. Mostly the idea that language is this rigid and unchanging skeleton of fixed grammar and vocabulary that must not respond to societal changes in any way.
Good that you state your expertise and degrees, before making your point. For some odd occurrence I also studied German philology as a minor subject. You are right that language is evolving and ever changing in social groups and becomes part of the language as a whole perhaps at some point. Though what we are facing now is a bit different in today's time with social media and NGOs pushing agendas. We are at a point that language gets dictated by an ideology, This has nothing to do with the natural development of a language and the most part of the German population rejects it. So please stop painting a picture of Germany as it is on that page, the government might be as in a lot western countries, but the people are not.
Post edited June 07, 2023 by Halbzeit
.Keys: I don't want sound, as they call it, 'prejudiced', but, the ESG policies many companies are following nowdays are going to destroy companies productivity in the next few years.
Thanks for your professional business practice prophecies. Studies find the complete opposite though.

Halbzeit: Though what we are facing now is a bit different in today's time with social media and NGOs pushing agendas.
Welcome to the 1970s, I guess. Or the 50s. Or the 30s with its radio and later the Volksempfänger. It's probably not true, but as the story goes, Socrates thought that language change would destroy the Greek language wholesale within a generation. The fact of the matter is that a language that does not change is factually dead. The problem is that we have to close a lexical gap in the German language. I'll gladly repeat that you can either participate in suggesting how we close this lexical gap or use a solution provided by others. What you can't do is pop a vein because some people use language in a certain way, or insist we leave this lexical gap open just because the problem concerns so few of us. If it's not your cup of tea, don't drink it. But participation in the debate is meaningless without contributing to a solution. Eventually, a completely different generation will decide on how our language will look than the one that's now voting in clickbait internet polls. And from what I've experienced, they're a good deal more progressive than I could ever hope to be.
Post edited June 08, 2023 by Vainamoinen
.Keys: I don't want sound, as they call it, 'prejudiced', but, the ESG policies many companies are following nowdays are going to destroy companies productivity in the next few years.

By that I don't mean that diverse people can't produce and make profit, no, as someone might call this out and accuse me of doing so just as a mean to attack me for saying that and disagreeing with this.

I mean that forcing any company to follow a set of rules regardless of the proven profit those rules may or may not give in an arbritrary way in the long term will just prove to not work with the companies that follow said arbritary rules. And this may happen with any company, regardless of producttivity because there are a lot consumers that are tired of agendas being pushed to them.

Before you (you who?: Anyone that just want to attack me for disagreeing with this) attack me for anything, as it is common in heat topics when we disagree with said minorities, be warned that I talk with all kinds of people everyday and they respect me because I respect them, and I have no problem with them as long as they respect me, as it is and as it should be with anyone in a healthy society.

But I just want to open my heart about this here:

I completely disagree with the way GOG is forcing its members to not be able to discuss politicts in the Forums (by the rules of the Forum activity), but force us into political topics when they have the opportunity to.

If you like to make this propaganda, let us share our opinions too about all politic topics in the Forum as a whole and everyone will respect your position doing that, as this is true free speech. But do not force us into topics we do not want to discuss while disallowing us from discussing political topics in the Forums.

I suggest the team to revise your Forum codes and rules to allow true free speech without offenses and agressive behaviour, or stop pushing your own propaganda to us, please. And I ask this politely, as we all, as adults (meaning: mature people), know the real world is complex enough and discussing anything with respect and compassion is appreciated and fruitful/beneficial to everyone.
SarahGabriella: LGBT+ Pride month isnt propaganda. Free speech isnt "let everyone say anything they want", free speech is "let good people speak their minds without being harmed for it".
Free speech by my understanding is: Let everyone say what they want and judge their words later using comon sense and depending on what they're saying, studies, papers, and so on.

Then you can see if they're telling the truth or not. If it is proven to be true: Good.
If its not: Shame on them for being liars - and so everyone else will doubt that person before they can gain any trust again in society.

Something like that would be what Twitter is doing right now with false posts: Giving the possibility for people to judge if said post are true or not, and letting everyone know after it has been corrected with warnings made by the community.
Post edited June 07, 2023 by .Keys
As I can't edit my own post, it seems its some kind of bug with so many people posting.
Post edited June 08, 2023 by Clownski_
mechmouse: Not sure what you're saying but it reads like your say suicide rates decreased with more modern care?

Sorry I missed when you said that, is it the overweight person being evicted and the guy with glasses that needs food?

You really seam to be living in you own little thread
Lodium: if i say the thers a condition in my argument regarding the past
why shoud it be appplied to the future?
Are you claming we invented some time machine to get the result of medical care anno 20223 back with us to the past?

Yes it seams that youre twisting my words

I sugest less trolling
I'm not "twisting" your words, I'm trying to unravel them.

You are making no sense

The statestics shoud show there are increased rates suicide before the modern care got implemented
it does not show this
You are literally saying suicide rates were higher BEFORE modern care.

If you are saying suicide rate went up AFTER the care was implemented, that study clearly states suicide rates remained the same at all stages of Transition (so before hormones, after hormones (ie CARE) and any surgery) for Trans Men and reduced over time for Trans Women.